Reform Your INNER Mean Girl

Bestselling authors Christine Arylo and Amy Ahlers show women how to take their self-bullying Inner Mean Girls to reform school with their internationally recognized seven-step program.

Reform Your Inner Mean Girl introduces the universal seven-step program that helps women transform their relationships with themselves from self-sabotage to self-love. With a mix of play, humor, creativity, and self-inquiry, Reform Your Inner Mean Girl transforms a woman’s self-bullying thoughts, emotions, actions, and feelings, and helps her get in touch with a much more powerful voice—her Inner Wisdom. After graduating, women can finally make choices that create more happiness, peace, love, and success.

Big Fat LIES Women Tell Themselves

Most of us have a nonstop chorus of criticism in our heads — voices not unlike those of the mean girls lurking in locker rooms of junior high schools everywhere. Amy Ahlers’ witty, wise, and cut-to-the-chase book will give you everything you need to take on those bullying Inner Mean Girls and Inner Critics — and win. You’ll learn how to rewire the self-sabotaging lies you tell yourself into affirming truths that will increase self-respect, self-love, and self-compassion, transforming your inner and outer lives.

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Wake Up Call Coaching

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