Happy New Year!
I know we’re already 6 days into 2025, but I wanted to give you a minute to feel the new year’s power before sending you this email.
I want to remind you that you’re NOT behind if you haven’t mapped out the entire year. I don’t know about you, but my social media feeds are full of folks life-hacking their way into the New Year. That’s one way to do it.
Instead, I’m letting 2025 slowly weave her way into my heart. I’m relishing the new year smell and allowing the freshness to wash over me.
I love the idea that January is the month of dreaming so I’m marinating into this month as I create my vision and tap into my desires. To that end, I’m delighted to gift you my Vision Your New Year ritual that I’ve been doing for decades with my clients, retreat participants, family, and loved ones.
The Vision Your Year Ritual will give you:
- a process to help you create a new year vision with intention
- clarity on what you REALLY desire for 2025
- a New Year Declaration, or theme, for the year that you can use as your North Star
It can be all too easy to fall into the trap of reacting to life vs. co-creating WITH life. This ritual, complete with a printable playbook and audio, will help you step into creation mode. It’s my GIFT TO YOU!
I hope you enjoy it and feel free to share it via www.wakeupcallcoach.com/visionyouryear with your loved ones.
Let me know how it goes. Please email me back with your biggest AHA and 2025 declaration. I adore hearing from you.
Happy New Year!
P.S. Would you like to explore working together in 2025?
I would be delighted to see if I’m a match to support you and your 2025 vision. Here are a couple of ways to work with me this year:
- Apply the Rise and Lead Women’s Leadership Accelerator: If you are a high-achieving woman leader that is being way too hard on herself, on the verge of burning out, and/or are battling imposter syndrome Rise and Lead will change your life!
- Explore private coaching with me: I take on only a handful of clients each year to do deep, nourishing, soulful leadership coaching. I have a 3 spots open for Q1. Go here to apply.
- I’m a licensed Holistic Realtor and LOVE coaching people through their real estate transactions: It has been deeply rewarding to expand my coaching to include the real estate world these past few years. Wouldn’t you LOVE to have a trained, professional coach by your side when making one of the biggest purchases or sales of your life? Go here to book a complimentary real estate consultation.
May you feel deeply aligned and supported in 2025 and always. You deserve it.
Happy New Year!

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