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Black Lives Matter.

Since it’s inception, the US has committed acts of violence against black and brown people, recently highlighted by the senseless murder of yet another unarmed black man, George Floyd, at the hands of police, and the horrific murders of Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor. Watching the police and the national guard shoot at, tear gas and beat protesters, while the president inflames and agitates, is nothing short of devastating.

As a women’s leadership coach, author and speaker I talk and teach about following your Inner Wisdom, the voice of truth inside of you. Here’s what my Inner Wisdom wants you to know:

For the black people in my community: I see and acknowledge the heartache, trauma and devastation you’re experiencing right now (and have likely experienced your whole life). I want you to know how much I deeply care about you and how much I believe Black Lives Matter. I also want you to know my commitment to continue imperfectly educating myself, as a white privileged woman, in anti-racism work so I can unlearn the ways of white supremacy that I know I benefit from. You and your voice matter so much to me. You belong here and I’m deeply honored you’re here.

For the white people in my community: Please join me in doing the work that we need to do to become the best allies possible. I’m learning alongside you. We must continue to put our white fragility aside and show up day after day. Will you join me in taking actions, big and small, to help dismantle the systems of racism and oppression?

If it’s helpful, I’ve gathered up resources to share. This is an open source document I started a few years ago that features everything from videos to books to podcasts to resources for kids. Here is another document listing resources as well. I hope they are of service to you and your anti-racism work.

For all in my community: I know this is a time of deep rage, despair, loneliness and fear. I am sending you love beyond measure. May this breakdown, destruction and burning up lead to the biggest breakthrough this country and world of ours have ever known.

If my stand doesn’t resonate with you, I may not be the right coach, author, teacher for you. And that’s OK. (Feel free to unsubscribe.)

With a heavy heart and so much love,




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