This week I’m spending time at a beautiful space in San Francisco called “Palace of the Soul”, the fabulous studio of my dear friend Elizabeth Gibbons. I’m gathering with the amazing heart-centered women entrepreneurs for the Radiance Mastermind and Prosperity Circle retreat with my dear friend and colleague Shiloh Sophia.
So in lieu of doing my normal Facebook LIVE jam session, I thought I’d gift you with a fabulous set of inquiries to help you end 2017 strong. I featured most of these questions on this week’s Mama Truth Show , so if you’d like to tune in and hear me walk you through the questions, check out that show here. (It’s worth a listen whether you’re a mama or not!).
Grab your journal, a cup of tea or glass of vino, and take yourself through the powerful inquiries below. Write down whatever bubbles up, move quickly and don’t censor yourself. That will allow you to experience your truth!
1. What MUST OCCUR for you to feel like 2017 has been a success? For 2017 to feel GOOD? This question is vital to ask yourself. Be brutally honest with the expectations you are carrying about this year. I want you to set yourself up for success by getting clear on what you want, at a minimum, so that you will look back on New Year’s Day, feeling gratitude for the year.
2. What is your dream for 2017? If you could really finish this year STRONG? This question will allow you to dream about what you’d LOVE to create before the end of the year. I want you to feel giddy and gleeful.
**Take note of the difference in your answers to questions 1 and 2. Most of us have a spectrum for success. On one end we have the minimum that MUST OCCUR and on the other end there is your DREAM for the year. Make sure you are going for the gold and working towards your dream. And remember that the ENTIRE spectrum and all its outcomes are to be declared a ’success!’**
3. What are you WILLING to do–what are the inspired actions you’re willing to take to create your dreams? Notice the word WILLING in this question. Be honest with yourself about what you want to do and are willing to do to go for your dreams and success?
4. Who do you need to BECOME to reach your 2017 intentions and dreams? This question is powerful to examine. When you think of a person who is LIVING a dream like yours, what are the qualities, mindsets and strengths they exude? How do they differ from who you are today? The answers to these questions will help you envision who you will become this quarter.
5. What are you committed to STARTING? What are the actions, beliefs, habits and thoughts you are ready to start living today? Make an action plan for success.
6. What are you committed to STOPPING? We all know there are things you must begin, but what about the actions, beliefs, habits or thoughts you need to release to make this year a success? What about your Inner Mean Girl/Inner Critic’s actions that keep you on the hamster wheel running as fast as you can, but getting nowhere. Your Inner Wisdom knows what isn’t working. List what you will release and commit right here and now to stop.
7. What is the mindset you are READY to live for the rest of the year? Your mindset, perspective and ‘come from’ for the next 3 months will determine your success. Your mindset is the soil in which you are planting each and every dream seed. Without the proper soil, nothing will take root and grow. So be mindful of your mindset and choose an empowering one for 2017.
8. Who is your support team? You must claim a support team for yourself. Studies and history shows us that human beings thrive with support and community. So go public with your 2017 dream, vision and goals, and gather a support network.
9. What accountability structures will you implement? The American Society for Training and Development study on goal completion shows us that 95% of people achieve their goals when they have a specific accountability partner in place. Need I say more?
10. What does your Inner Wisdom know? This question is how I like to end all my dreaming sessions. Your Inner Wisdom is so, er, wise! She has a bunch of knowledge and insights to share with you. Ask and watch the answers bubble up!
If me or my team can help you with reaching your intentions and dreams, simply GO HERE and fill out the coaching form and we’ll be in touch.
I’d love to hear what you’ve uncovered by going through this series of questions. Leave a comment on my Facebook Page post!
I’ll be back next week with a brand new “Wake-Up Call Wednesday Facebook LIVE Jam Session.”
Have a beautiful week, darling!
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