Sometimes life can bring us to our knees. We feel the heartbreak of loss, of tragedy, of sorrow. How do we come back to wholeness?
On today’s episode, join me for an empowering conversation with New York Times Bestselling Author, increible keynote speaker and all around phenomenal woman, Kristine Carlson.
Tune in and receive:
- Kristine’s heartbreaking story of losing her extraordinary husband to a pulmonary embolism out of the blue
- How Kris came back to wholeness, happiness, and joy after such a shocking loss…and how you can too
- Encouragement and hope to keep walking through loss and reconnect to life
Make sure to check out Kristine’s beautiful new book, From Heartbreak to Wholeness: The Hero’s Journey to Joy: https://fromheartbreaktowholeness.com
Links from today’s show:
- More about Amy: www.WakeUpCallCoach.com
- Amy’s new Luxury Destination ReTREAT in Magical Maui with SARK: www.MagicalMauiRetreat.com (Applications Due June 16th!)
- Kristine Carlson’s website: https://kristinecarlson.com
- From Heartbreak to Wholeness: https://fromheartbreaktowholeness.com
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