(Gentle Reminder: The final application window for Inner Wisdom Mastery closes on 3/18. You can APPLY HERE)
Dearest One,
Have you been deeply hurt by other women?
When I look at the hurt, trauma, and biggest challenges of my life they almost all center around the brutal side of female relationships. Since middle school days, I’ve been burned, stonewalled, betrayed, cheated, ghosted, smeared and so much more by women I deeply cared about and trusted. (Not to mention women who I don’t even know that have slung arrows at me!)
And I know there are women who feel that they’ve been deeply hurt by me. I’m not innocent of the whole thing either (thank you very much for fueling my own ugliness, Inner Mean Girls!)
This isn’t just anecdotal and you’re not crazy! Study after study shows us that women are brutal to each other. Take the “Howard/Heidi Study” (Flynn F.). In essence, this study illustrates that success and likability are positively correlated for men and negatively correlated for women. When a man is successful, he is liked by both men and women. When a woman is successful, people of both genders like her LESS. (ugh.)
Or the “Intolerance of sexy peers: Intrasexual competition among women” study (Vaillancourt T1, Sharma A.) which shows us that when meeting an attractive woman, 85% of the female subjects gave their peer a critical once over and made harsh comments about her appearance. (YUCK!)
Even in my own Self-Bullying Survey, which had hundreds of responses, women fessed up to being overly critical of other women. (Brutal.)
The truth is there is a shadow side to sisterhood and this toxic pattern has got to stop!
Maybe you’ve written women off and decided that you’re a “guys’ girl” and just steer clear of other women.
Or perhaps you only have one female friend that you open up to and you protect yourself like mad and stay far away from groups of women.
Or maybe you have a great group of women friends, but the waters only run so deep. You go to happy hour and leave feeling depleted and a bit lonely.
Or maybe you’ve created a circle of soul sisters that you adore like I have. YES!
Here’s the thing I know to be true: having true sisterhood in your life is worth the risk.
As Oscar Wilde said, “Second marriage is the triumph of hope over experience.”
I believe choosing to trust women again, to say YES to friendships and sisterhood, even though you’ve been burned before is the ultimate expression of hope.
Cause guess what, ladies? We need each other. And we are the only ones that can create a new women’s culture. Just look at the allegiance and alliance that is happening with the #metoo and #timesup movements.
When it’s good it’s GOOD. Some of the BEST experiences of my life have been co-created with amazing women.
We can do this!

What’s the key to real sisterhood?
The key is creating a circle with a shared vision where you agree to a “sacred container” that has NO tolerance of BS, gossip and judgement. Having a masterful facilitator and coach that will tend the circle takes it to the next level.
Creating a field that nourishes and nurtures true, deep, real, raw, compassion-filled sisterhood is one of my superpowers.
I love bringing women together in circle so they can peel off the masks and tell the TRUTH about their life. The good, the bad, the ugly and the beautiful.
A circle where women feel deeply supported and seen for who they really are.
A group where women can SHINE BRIGHT and be celebrated for her gifts.
That’s exactly what I will be cultivating in the Inner Wisdom Mastery program. A place where every woman can speak her truth, be heard and seen, and then be held, with love and compassion, as she creates the changes she wants in her life. A place where SISTERHOOD will flourish.
Interested? Apply now for one of the remaining spots in this 9-month deep dive so you can live the fullest expression of your truth in every area of your life.
Keep choosing vulnerability and courage.
Keep choosing hope over fear and past bad experiences.
Be a source of light and fierce compassion in your female circles and do your own inner work to keep your Inner Mean Girls at bay. Left unchecked Inner Mean Girls become OUTER Mean Girls.
Keep saying YES to surrounding yourself with supportive, kind, respectful, compassionate, loving women!
You got this.
P.S. The women that are gathering for Inner Wisdom Mastery are the type of women you want to surround yourself with. Smart, successful, interesting, deep, spiritual, soulful and supportive.
They are inspiring doctors, sales executives, artists, coaches and moms that are in tune with their Inner Wisdom voice, but have trouble following her sage advice all the time (who doesn’t?!). They KNOW that being in this container will change their lives in profound ways and they want to surround themselves with other powerful women that will hold their feet to the fire with love AND remind them of their greatness when they feel small. I LOVE every woman in this program!
Is one of the final spots for you?
The application and invitation can be found here: www.InnerWisdomMastery.com
Applications close for good on 3/18, so don’t delay!
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