Like so many of you, my heart broke, shattering into a million pieces, watching the events in Charlottesville over the weekend. Hearing the messages of hate being shouted from the torch bearing “Alt-Right” Neo-Nazi, White Supremacists, seeing the images of the Deandre Harris get brutally beaten, and watching the video of the car that took Heather Heyer’s life shook me to my core.
So for today’s “Wake-Up Call Wednesday” Facebook LIVE Jam Session I’ve invited my colleague and friend Allison Kenny, co-Founder of Spotlight: Girls, blogger at Raising a Go Girl, social activist and powerful woman to join me for a candid conversation about how we can make a difference.
We will be sharing helpful resources as we go such as:
Our intention is that you leave this short jam session inspired, informed and ready to take action.
Watch this video and join me EVERY Weds. at 9:30am PT/12:30pm ET over on my Facebook Page for 20 minutes or less of goodness and inspiration.
Visit to get the “Wake Up Your Inner Wisdom Kit”. A free kit to help you stop being so dang hard on yourself. This kit includes a Powerful Visualization, Big Fat Lies Guide, 3-Step Transformation Process, inspiring Women’s Masters call with Lisa Nichols and more!
With unstoppable enthusiasm,

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