Affairs. Drug abuse. Partying. Crazy drama. Ridiculous spending….the quintessential mid-life crisis. I’ve been seeing people drop like flies, feeling the tick tock of the life clock running so they desperately seek some sort of “hit” to feel alive.
How can you HONOR feeling alive without blowing up your whole life?
Watch this video and join me EVERY Weds. at 9:30am PT/12:30pm ET over on my Facebook Page for 20 minutes or less of goodness and inspiration. I’ll lead you through a simple, powerful, impactful session about feeling alive!
Visit to get the “Wake Up Your Inner Wisdom Kit”. A free kit to help you stop being so dang hard on yourself. This kit includes a Powerful Visualization, Big Fat Lies Guide, 3-Step Transformation Process, inspiring Women’s Masters call with Lisa Nichols and more!
With unstoppable enthusiasm,
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