As a white privileged woman, I have a deep desire (and responsibility) to be an ally to people of color, to be a stand for anti-racism and social justice work. I want my daughters to grow up in a world where healing has occurred and I know that reckoning with my whiteness is a huge part of that work. So I invited my friend and colleague, Rebecca Aced-Molina, to have a conversation about whiteness and her anti-racism work that she specifically does with white women. Rebecca is a life-long seeker of meaning, purpose and justice. Rebecca has invented her own job since 2000 and today she works with women in leadership positions find their voice, connect with their wholeness, and engage with their deepest purpose as they navigate the waters of race, gender and inequality. Rebecca serves on faculty at Leadership that Works, an accredited coach training program, and facilitates a course on interpersonal dynamics at the Stanford Graduate School of Business.
Tune in and discover:
- How ingrained white supremacy is in our culture and subconscious
- The two camps of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and how we need to bring them together to create change
- The truth about white guilt and how to begin your inner and outer anti-racism work
Make sure to check out Rebecca’s new leadership program for white anti-racist women, Authentic Solidarity at her website: https://rebecca-acedmolina.com/
With Unstoppable Enthusiasm,
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