the blog

Don’t let your happiness be hijacked

It’s been said that when you argue with reality, reality always wins.

Today we are entering into a new reality in the U.S. with this incoming president and his squad of billionaires.

A reality I do not wish on anyone, especially marginalized communities.

In 2016, when he took power, it hijacked my life and my happiness. The daily stress took a toll on my body and my health. I felt like I was being emotionally water boarded on the daily.

This time I will do it differently.

I will double down on my mediation practice.

I will double down on my self-care and movement practices.

I will gather in community with like minded souls.

I will choose where I put my focus and remember to focus on what I want for this sweet world.

And I will contact my representatives to be a voice for change and donate to organizations doing the good work.

I will use my privilege to be a part of the movement towards peace and creating a country where marginalized communities will be safe and where we take care of our beloved planet.

I will continue my work as a women’s leadership coach to help women rise to new levels of power with confidence and make a difference inside their organizations.

How will you take exquisite care of yourself and your communities?

Don’t give up.

Be kind to yourself.

And be the change the world desperately needs.

With devotion,









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