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I am Grateful for YOU, Dear One! (Meditation + The Complexity of Today)

Dearest One,

Today I am sending you love from the stolen land of the Ohlone tribe. Here in Oakland, CA on this day where many celebrate Thanksgiving, I’m waking up even more to the truth about the history of this day and the sorrow it brings to Indigenous communities. For those of you reading who are Native American, I am sending you love as you navigate such a complicated and heartbreaking day.

I always loved Thanksgiving growing up. I relished the idea of a holiday that wasn’t about consumerism and gift buying, but instead about gratitude and gathering with loved ones and breaking bread.

But, like many of you, I’ve woken up more and more to the atrocities that are woven into the fabric of this country since its inception. So today feels deeply conflicting to my heart.

If you’re looking for how to honor today, here’s a few things I am doing, that I hope can inspire you:

Thank you for staying with me and being on this journey as I learn, un-learn and share. I appreciate you.

I know 2020 has been a year with so much hardship for all of us. I hope that today you can gather in a way that is safe to protect you and your loved ones, and find the nuggets of gratitude where you can. I want to remind you of that…


Today I also am continuing my annual tradition of sharing my Gratitude Meditation with you. It’s a 20-minute appreciation journey complete with piano from my husband, Rob, that’s been listened to thousands of times by people from around the world.

I invite you to find a quiet, cozy spot and sink into this meditation and enjoy.

May your table be surrounded with love and may we continue to heal the many injustices in this country and the world.

With heartfelt gratitude and love,




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