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For today’s episode I invited my dear friend, mastermind buddy and fellow self-help author, Andrea Owen to show us the way through the insanity we’re in. Andrea Owen is an author, global speaker, and professional certified life coach who helps high-achieving women let go of perfectionism, control, and isolation and choosing courage and confidence instead. She’s the host of the uber popular Your Kick-Ass Life podcast, and is the proud author of How To Stop Feeling Like Shit: 14 Habits That Are Holding You Back From Happiness (Seal Press/Hachette Books) which has been translated into 18 languages and is available in 22 countries, as well as her inaugural book, 52 Ways to Live a Kick-Ass Life: BS Free Wisdom to Ignite Your Inner Badass and Live the Life You Deserve, (Adams Media/Simon & Schuster).

Tune in to discover:

  • The very first necessary step to releasing resistance and control and stepping into surrender
  • The keys to creating connection during isolation
  • Why numbing is a necessary tool…and the difference between numbing and addiction (want to learn more about addiction, tune into Andrea’s Kick-Ass Life Recovery series at www.yourkickasslife.com/recovery)

Andrea and I are also fired up to be offering a brand spanking new free class to our communities. It’s called “Top 10 Kick-Ass Tips to Get Your Project Started, Done, or Out the Door!” on April 22nd @ 3pm ET/Noon PT Join us LIVE or receive the recording at www.wakeupcallcoach.com/project

Andrea and I will keep it real as they reveal the best tips ever for completing that project that means the world to you that’s been collecting dust. They’ll also give you unapologetic permission to write your poetry, follow your muse, and use writing as a tool to explore and process whatever’s on your heart. NOW is the time to say YES to what matters most to you.

With Unstoppable Enthusiasm,

Amy Ahlers Show, Coaching

April 14, 2020

Ep. 401: How to Stop Feeling Like Shit During a Global Pandemic (Amy Ahlers Show)

I came out of hibernation a month early to begin recording new shows for you because I couldn’t stand by and watch this crisis unfold without showing up for you. Today’s show is taken from a live community call I did to help us embrace the messiness and magic of this uncertain time.



Grab a journal, pen and some space and dive in! We will:

  • Truth tell about the horrors and grief, and the gratitude and gifts
  • Breathe, vision and meditate…and maybe even do a dance break
  • Discover a powerful process to release fear and lean into hope
  • Step out of the stress response and step into the relaxation response and boost your immune system
  • Connect with people from around the world in small groups to share and be witnessed

I’m so glad to be back with you and I can’t wait to continue to be of service during this time.


With Unstoppable Enthusiasm,

Amy Ahlers Show, Coaching

April 8, 2020

Ep. 400: Covid Community Circle Show–I’m baaaack! (Amy Ahlers Show)


Inside every single one of us there exists generations of unconscious biases, internalized oppression and Inner Mean Girl BS. On today’s podcast, I invited Leesa Renee Hall to explore the role of the Inner Oppressor and how she relates to your Inner Mean Girl (Leesa’s Inner Mean Girl drawing: https://www.instagram.com/p/B0D1jWPHuNY/). Leesa Renee Hall is an author, anti-bias facilitator, and social historian. Author of 10 books, including Unpack Biases Now, a workbook designed to help leaders question their implicit biases so they create truly inclusive teams, Leesa was known as a technology pioneer before turning her attention to disrupting the misinformation hard-coded deep in the mind.

Listen in and discover:

  • How your Inner Mean Girl is perpetuating White Supremacy culture
  • How the quest for perfection is even more brutal for black women
  • Why the new wave of feminism is missing the mark

Take yourself through Leesa’s powerful writing prompts on white fragility, spiritual bypass or white privilege: www.leesareneehall.com/writingprompts

Leesa’s doing incredible work in the world and I couldn’t imagine a better topic to end the year on! Check out her work at https://leesareneehall.com.

With Unstoppable Enthusiasm,

Amy Ahlers Show, Coaching

December 27, 2019

Ep. 317: Your Inner Oppressor and Inner Mean Girl with Leesa Renee Hall (Amy Ahlers Show)

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I bring a unique blend of coaching and mentorship to every real estate transaction so that my clients feel their lives are made better in the process. I love working with my clients to ensure they stay aligned with their values and Inner Wisdom as I coach them through life's big decisions.

I'm amy ahlers, executive leadership coach, keynote speaker, best-selling author, and holistic realtor. 

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Inspirational, truth-telling real talk with expert Women's Leadership Coach and Keynote Speaker, Amy Ahlers, combined with unplugged and meaningful conversations with luminaries and guest experts. This show is especially for ambitious, high achieving women that are ready to STOP being so hard on themselves, release self-bullying and rise to their greatest contribution.

the amy ahlers show

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Both of my bestselling books have helped thousands of women break free from self-sabotage and self-criticism. Read, share, and transform your relationship with yourself so you can (finally) be your own best friend and ally.

it's time to stop being so hard on yourself!

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