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Wake-Up Call Wednesday – Are you your own best friend? (Video)

*Special shout out and hello to my fabulous new subscribers…especially all of you that are joining me from the Red Hot Secrets and Martha Beck calls. Welcome!*

Dear One,

You know how it can be. You’re at a party or networking event or meeting and you suddenly find yourself alone with no one to talk to.

You feel awkward. Lost. Like a fish out of water. Like you don’t belong.  Yikes!

And then your Inner Mean Girl chimes in spewing Big Fat Lies. What are we to do?

I recently had an experience exactly like that, so I made a Wake-Up Call Wednesday video about how I took my power back and how you can to. Check it out:


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It’s time for us to be our OWN best friend!

With unstoppable enthusiasm and great love,

Amy Ahlers, The Wake-Up Call Coach
#1 Bestselling Author of Big Fat Lies Women Tell Themselves
CEO of Wake-Up Call Coaching
Creator of The Women Masters and Exposing the Big Fat Lies Summit
Co-Creator of Inner Mean Girl Reform School

P.S. Make sure to leave your comments below! And feel free to share it…the more people who have their own back, the better!

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  1. Vicki Howie says:

    Thanks, Amy! I was sitting in a pile of receipts, doing my income taxes when this video came. Just needed that little reminder — and the reminded me that I had cleaned off my Chakra Booster Healing Tattoo (heart chakra) last night and needed to apply a new one to get through my taxes. Self-love — so easy, and yet so easy to forget. Thanks again!

  2. Eliana says:

    Amy darling, you are such an energetic and wellcoming person!
    Your smile brings light and love to whom you address to.
    Thanks for having you around and keeping this beautiful work you are doing.
    You are enlightened and you distribute this light on to others, kindly and permanently.
    Love, Eliana.

  3. Sandra Lay says:

    You got me started on the right path with your 1st Womens Masters. It truly has been UP for me since. You are very special to me and the brightest perkyist person I know. Congrats on the book and all you are doing. You are truly making a difference in this world. You made such a difference in my life when we would start the calls and you would say “Hi Sandi” It really made me feel like I belonged. Thank you Thank you and keep up the good work. Sandi Lay

    • Amy Ahlers says:


      what a JOY to hear from you. Your response made my day. I adore you, sweetie.

      You belong.


  4. Amanda says:

    Thank you so much Amy. I really needed to hear something like this today. Was feeling guilty and down and not knowing what to do next but listening to your words definitely gave me the boost I needed to not stay stuck in those feelings. Thank you. 🙂

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