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Dreams Come True: Book Trailer Video LAUNCH

WOW! I gotta tell ya, I’m having a moment.

Becoming a published author is a longtime dream come true. I began the process of writing this book back in 2005 and it has been one helluva journey to get here.

So whatever dream you’ve been holding and envisioning and loving that has yet to come true or maybe even one that you are considering giving up on, please let this email be your wake-up call and proof that dreams do come true.

As a thank you for all your support, I’m delighted to invite YOU be the first to have an exclusive look at my book trailer:

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Please watch, enjoy and SHARE this with your best girl friends:

This post marks the official kick-off of the Big Fat Lies Women Tell Themselves: Ditch Your Inner Critic and Wake Up Your Inner Superstar launch. Whooooo-hoooooo!

With unstoppable enthusiasm,

Amy Ahlers, The Wake-Up Call Coach
Author of Big Fat Lies Women Tell Themselves
CEO of Wake-Up Call Coaching
Creator of The Women Masters
Co-Creator of Inner Mean Girl Reform School

P.S. I have so much LOVE to share with you in the months leading up to our official publishing date of October 19th

Things like:

  • the Big Fat Lies Confessional featuring people like YOU revealing and releasing the Big Fat Lies that are holding you back.
  • the Exposing the Big Fat Lies Tele-Summit with a-maze-balls luminaries like SARK, Lisa Nichols, Gabrielle Bernstein & more revealing their own Big Fat Lies and the transformation tools they’ve created to wake up their own Inner Superstars!
  • and lots of gifts and goodies for you.

It’s going to be a BLAST. Stay tuned!

In the meantime, CLICK HERE to watch the trailer, share it with your friends, leave a comment & pre-order your copy of the book! :)[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]



  1. Kimberly says:

    AMY!!! Congratulations on your new book. I can’t wait to read this. This is such an important message for all women to learn. Let’s get ready to get rid of those BIG FAT LIES!!! xo

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