Dear One,
I know so many women in the world who wonder if there are good men out there…if men really care….if men are showing up and doing their work. There are far too many people perpetuating the Big Fat Lie, “All men are jerks!”
So today, my darling, I want to celebrate one of the best men I know, who is celebrating his 70th birthday today; my dad.
My father, Russ Grant, has shown me, from the moment I was conceived, that men are good. Men are kind. Men are doing their work and care so deeply about the world.
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I remember as a little girl pretending to be asleep so that my daddy would carry me up to my room, reminding me that I was taken care of and oh-so-safe.
My dad models how to be in a loving relationship and make a marriage work (my parents have been married for almost 44 years now and they still hold hands), how to go for your dreams, how to give back to your community and how to relax and have fun.
My dad is a Vietnam war vet who learned early on that you never know when your numbers up, so make every moment count. My dad survived living with a wife and two teenage daughters and one full bathroom (yes we had bathroom timers to keep to the shower schedule!). My dad loves to sail on the San Fransisco Bay or relax by the lake in Twain Harte. My dad is always ready and willing to show up and fix your broken screen, or hang that new painting or put up the new shelf (he’ll even bring his own tools). My dad is available for babysitting and sleep overs with his grandchildren at a moments notice. My dad devotes more time and energy each month to giving back than most people do in a lifetime.
So, Dad, Happy 70th Birthday to you. I’m so grateful I chose you to be my dad. And thank you for choosing me to be your daughter. I love you!
I invite you to share below and celebrate one of the good men in your life!

P.S. Thank you for celebrating my dad with me…he’s such an extraordinary man who is cherished by his family and community!
P.P.S. I know that many (maybe even most?) don’t have a dad like mine. I count my blessings and realize how lucky I am. And I am taking a stand for more and more men to step up and show up as a Good Man in the world.
Please celebrate a good man in your life below. Let’s collect evidence of all the great men on the planet!
I have a good one, we will soon be celebrating our 40th wedding anniversary.
Happy Birthday Russ!!!!
My grandpa was like that, kind, usually happy, always willing to fix that screen or scrape and paint the front door.
Thanks for posting this!
Dearest Amy, you have caused a deep shift in me with this post. I am one of the women who complain that there are no good men left, and that it must not be my fate to ever have a wonderful man in my life as a romantic partner. I’m focused on lack. But this idea, of celebrating the good men I *do* have in my life, has opened my heart ever so slightly to the concept of abundance in that area. My dad is a good man, and I’m blessed to have a man in my life who cares deeply for his family and shows us how integrity, a great sense of humor, courage, discipline, and dependability can create a beautiful, healthy life. Here’s to my dad, a really good man!
HOW gorgeous all of these responses are. I LOVE IT!!!
At the ancient age of 54, I have found the most amazing man!
He is kind, romantic, nurturing and adores me JUST THE WAY I AM. The best part is that he is 15 years younger and loves me for my wisdom and life experience as much as anything else.
He is a gorgeous Irish-American cop, to boot 😉
Hi Amy,
Thanks for giving everyone this forum to talk about the good men in their lives. I have been blessed to have had 2 wonderful and loving grandfathers, who taught by weaving lessons of life, history and family wrapped with a ribbon of love, which gave me a foundation and a sense of worth and value; a father, who was brilliant, funny, musical, and adoring of me and my mother; two wonderful brothers, who loved me so dearly, that they always got me a little present with their McDonald’s paychecks and managed to be teasing and cherishing at the same time; a husband, who believes so much in me and my talents that it is inspiring; and finally a little man, who is wise beyond his years and teaches me how to be in this world everyday.
I married an amazing guy! When our son was born, May of last year,my husband physically held me though the whole natural home birth process, the labor and the pushing. I couldn’t have done it with out him. He was so supportive. And he has been my biggest advocate for nursing my baby in a culture that sees it as something shameful. I love he sooo much! 🙂
At a very unexpected time in my life a gorgeous man showed up and turned it(my life) around completely…..he is so unaware of the impact he can have on people which makes him unpretentious… gentle, but not afraid to say it like he feels it…refreshing….sadly he can be mine for only a moment…!but forever in my heart.. yes there are lots of fabulous men out there…it is a matter of recognizing one that crosses your path even unexpectedly !WOW…XX
Happy Birthday, Amy’s Dad! I am so fortunate to have a great Dad. He might be gruff & curmudgeonly, but he loves to laugh, gives great hugs, supports me in everything I do & I never doubted that he loves me! Here’s go great Dads everywhere…
(Happy Birthday to your Dad, Amy! He sounds wonderful!)
Here’s the 1st Hoot for my husband, Paul: He changed our two
babies’ diapers in the early 1960’s! 2nd Hoot: He babysat our
son & daughter often, play-wrestled w/them on the floor until they were too big to do so! 3rd Hoot: When he was working in our town, he attended all their sports’ games and school plays!
4th Hoot: He taught me and both children how to slalom waterski
(and many friends & family too)! 5th Hoot: He took care of the
majority of our First Aid needs! 6th Hoot: He once rescued an
unknown man on a “hog” riding lawnmower who tried to go up a steep hill on the mower, fell half-way off and wedged himself in-btwn. the mower and the grass culvert w/the engine still running!
7th Hoot: My husband, Paul, is a “Caregiver of the First Order”
of anyone he meets! 8th Hoot: He is a First-rate storyteller
w/a sense of humor larger than Texas! 9th Hoot: He hugs each of us in our family, our grandchildren and friends often! 10th Hoot: He can put up a camping tent and pack a car trunk in less
time than it takes for anyone to run up on a tall,tin roof and throw lg. rocks at a chasing bear! 11th Hoot: He has helped us and many children in scouting to become our best selves!
We celebrate our 50th Wedding Anniversary this November!
Happy sounds of laughter and actions for peace & love,
Janice Rose
Thanks Amy, yes there are great men out there and my Dad is also one of them. I got a lump in my throat while reading your passage. I am blessed every day for my fathers love and support and he manages to this all with a good dose of fun and laughter. His glass is always half full.
Thanks for sharing that, Amy. My dad is a great man too. He has given so much to me & my family, supporting me throughout my life, letting me live my life and make my own mistakes. He is a wonderful example of a great man, always ready and willing to help and give. He is also a Chinese physician, a healer. His love is unconditional and our friendship is so precious to me. I often ask my mum where to go to find a man like dad.