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The Wake-Up Call Show: Are we having FUN yet? (Video)

Dear One,

I just got back from a fabulous trip to the Big Apple. It was filled with JOY and FUN and LEARNING and CONNECTION. Woot! On the trip, I decided to shoot a short video for you on a ferry ride to inspire YOU to have some fun…warning: it gets a little windy on that there boat!

Click below to watch it now and let me know how you’re going to have fun today!

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With sparkles,




P.S. One of the most JOY-FILLED things in my life right now is the unbelievable response Martha Beck, Lissa Rankin and I are receiving to our brand new course, FIND YOUR CALLING: Awaken Your Life Purpose, Clarify Your Vision, & Do Your Soul’s Work

We would be HONORED to help you unleash your soul’s work. Join us and over 570 calling seekers from around the globe. You’re so invited to the party!

>>Go here to Find Your Calling Now<<

Make sure to leave me a comment below and let me know how YOU will have fun today!! And please do share this post with your friends…let’s inspire fun on the planet today. Oh yeah!




  1. I love love love my work (it does not feel like work!) and so that counts as fun for me!
    I will however take a break from my computer and go outside to play with my puppies 🙂

  2. Carolyn says:

    I already had some fun today chatting with a woman on the bus about books. I will likely have a bit more fun laughing and joking with my co-workers.

  3. I brought my work outside and enjoyed the BEAUTIFUL day here in western PA. Really soaked in our wonderful views, birds, golden trees, butterflies, chirping crickets. Thank you for validating Fun.

  4. Debbie says:

    Hi Amy,
    Even though Wednesday is almost over, I am vowing to have more fun tomorrow. I think I will add fun to everyday- a great reminder! Fun for me is taking pictures and creating art with my photography so I will make sure I add that to my day. The fall colors here would be great to capture! Loving your Wake up Call moments!

  5. Jeanette Öst says:

    Thank you for the reminder! Today I will cook a Stroganoff for dinner and my son, who moved to his own appartment last week, will come home for dinner. He misses mom´s food! He always makes me laugh, so I am looking forward to have a lot of fun tonight.

  6. Brenda says:

    I went to my neighbor boy’s, junior-high football game. It was pouring rain and 42 degrees. But you know what, I had fun! Because I made up my mind that I was going to have fun. I almost forced my kiddos to leave in the middle because I was freezing, but I stuck it out and had fun! Wind blowing my umbrella up, soggy shoes, soppy hair….but Just getting away from the monotony and being in the moment, enjoying time with neighbors/friends. Thanks for the inspiration!

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