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Wake-Up Call Show: Celebrate the Possibility of Success! (Video)

Dear One,

Have you ever noticed how easy it is to tamper your celebration of potential good news? To NOT revel in the possibility of good things coming your way? To cut off yourself from doing a victory dance because you don’t want to “count your chickens before they hatch?”

When it looks like:

the big deal will go through
she might just be the one
you might get the job…

We have a tendency to sit on our excitement and wait.

We want to save ourselves from disappointment right? Which, as my dear friend Samantha Bennett says, would be great IF it worked!

But the truth is it doesn’t work. We’ll be disappointed if the deal falls apart, or the date turns out to be a hot cup of crazy, or we don’t get the job.

So I say why not CELEBRATE the possibility of success?! We won’t count our chickens before they hatch, but I’m gonna sure as heck count those eggs in the nest and have a dance party thinking about the possibility!


Because it just plain feels good…scratch feels flipping fabulous to dwell in possibility! To celebrate the good news on the way to the great news. And, as a bonus, the celebration raises your vibration to attract in even more goodness.

I made a video for you to help you do the same. Check it out and celebrate the possibility of something fabulous in your life!

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Celebrating all those eggs in the nest that are ready to crack open with goodness,

P.S. One of the things I’m celebrating is my incredible Brilliant Visionary clients that I coach with my self-love sister, Christine Arylo.  One of those clients is the remarkable Amy Jo Mattheis who is up to some amazing things!

Amy Jo is a Bad Ass Feminine Truth-Teller who has a kick ass FREE series called Pull Back the Curtain.  It’s time to Pull Back the Curtain on old, accepted ideas that harm us. Join Amy Jo to get the journey into your good power going! Go here for a FREE – downloadable journey behind the curtain of Sin – Sex & Shame – Women-Scripture-&-Stereotypes!

Celebrate the possibility of goodness and success in the comments below. WOOT!

And, as always, I LOVE IT when you share! 🙂




  1. Janice says:

    Amy, How lovely to celebrate the possibilities in life! Isn’t it amazing how some of us need permission to celebrate possibilities?! I guess this means that every single day is a great day to celebrate all the fertile eggs in our baskets! Woo Hoot!!!!

    So looking forward to meeting you in January, 2014, for the Magical Manifestation Retreat! It’s gonna be a bountiful treat
    for all of us! I’ll be sure to bring my basket so I’ll have
    many eggs to bring home & watch them hatch!

    W/Joyful Gratitude,

    Janice Rose

  2. Amy says:

    Good Morning,

    I really need this in my life right now. It has been a very disappointing year with a death in the family, a miscarriage, having to be separated from my spouse, and having a really tough time finding a new job.

    My biggest worry is finding a new job. There are so many possibilities because I’ve applied for so many, but with how much disappointment I’ve felt this year it is difficult to get excited. However, there IS great possibility. Because I’ve had all of this disappointment I’m at a BIG moment of potential and I should celebrate that.

    Thank you!

    Amy –

  3. Shantini says:

    Thank you for this lovely idea Amy! Celebrating the possibility is such a delicious way to raise our vibration 🙂

    I’d like to celebrate my new business growing in leaps and bounds and allowing me to reach out, inspire, support and help more people than I ever imagined

  4. Laureen says:

    What should I do if I cannot visualize anything to celebrate about? :/

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