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The Wake-Up Call Show: 3 Fabulous Ways To Grow Your Gratitude

Dear One,

Happy almost Thanksgiving! Oh my goodness I’m so excited for tomorrow’s festivities. My hubbie and I will be hosting 21 adults and 6 kiddos tomorrow for a big, fat feast (with NO big fat lies allowed…te he he!)

Thanksgiving truly is one of my favorite holidays because it isn’t centered around gifts or getting STUFF…instead it is a time to come together with your loved ones and give thanks. How fabulous is that?!

So in honor of Thanksgiving, I created a short video to help you grow your gratitude year round. CLICK BELOW to watch it and learn three easy tips for amping up your appreciation.

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Today and every day, I am filled to the brim with gratitude for you. I feel humbled and honored that you take time out of your week to read these newsletters and watch the videos. I feel so blessed to have a thriving business based on positivity, inspiration and love.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being a member of my community.


With enormous gratitude,




Amy Ahlers, The Wake-Up Call Coach
Bestselling Author of Big Fat Lies Women Tell Themselves
CEO of Wake-Up Call Coaching
Co-Creator of Inner Mean Girl Reform School

P.S. As you know, the most important relationship in your life is the one you have with YOURSELF.  And I am dedicated to helping you deepen your self-compassion and self-love, along with my dear soul sister and partner at Inner Mean Girl Reform School, Christine Arylo.

And I’m so, so, so excited about her brand new book, Madly in Love with ME, the Daring Adventure to Becoming Your Own Best Friend.It’s a must read!

>>Go here now to check out the book, grab tons of copies for yourself and your loved ones & watch the book trailer!<<


Please leave a comment below about what you are grateful for!




  1. Monika says:

    thank you for the three gratitunings… Dear Amy. I Am thankful for this computer screen in front of me and what shows up just in front of my eyes with soooooo much gratitude! Thank you!

  2. Ellen says:

    Leaving a gratitude request on my answering machine is a great idea. I do a gratitude journal each evening and share
    your delight in how the list of things I am grateful for just keeps
    growing. Thanks for the tip about the answering machine.

  3. Ellen Debenport says:

    Done! I changed my phone greeting and can’t wait to hear what people say.

  4. Beverly says:

    Thanks so much for this wonderful reminder, it is truly a gift that you give yourself with regular and genuine practice. Thank you.

  5. Julia says:

    Each night I tell 5 things I’m grateful for that day. I’ve been doing this for years……can’t fall asleep without doing it.

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