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The shame of not being able to find the TIME for YOU… (Video)

Dear One,

So now that we’re moving and grooving and in the flow of HOW to take care of ourselves (if you missed my video on how to create your Sacred Self Care System, you can watch here), let’s have some real talk about motherhood. I know it can be a total mess, a complete sh*tshow, and push us to our limits. And finding time for ourselves? HA!

(And I know we all relish those moments of motherhood being a magical, miraculous, majestic experience. The love we feel for our kids is like being kissed by The Divine daily.)

Over the past 16 years of coaching moms from all walks of life, I have heard over and over again how challenging it is to find the time. Then we can shame ourselves and beat ourselves up, dropping balls all over the place, putting so much pressure on ourselves to be perfect. No wonder our self-care falls to last on the list.

Don’t I know it! So I made a video for you about how to create space for your self-care. CLICK PLAY below and check it out.

I’d love to hear from you. Leave me a message in the comments, ok?

With unstoppable enthusiasm and SO MANY dirty dishes in the sink,

P.S. Me and my team are getting so super fired up about Saturday’s FREE Virtual Mama Truth Retreat called “3 Innocent Mistakes Mamas Make Leaving them Overwhelmed, Exhausted and Feeling Like a Crappy Mom!”

In case you forgot to sign up, here’s the link to save your spot in the circle.




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