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Wake-Up Call Show: “Miracle Find Me NOW!” (Video)

Dear One,

I’ll never forget when my dear friend, SARK (Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy), told me about one of her miracle tools.

It goes like this…you’re in a challenging situation or feeling triggered or you just want to raise your vibration….so you say the words “Miracle Find Me Now!” aloud. Then you remain present and fully receive the miracle that shows up.  It works like a charm!

I made you a short video all about welcoming in more miracles.

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Using invitation allows you to tune into all the miracles that exist around you. In the words of Albert Einstein, “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”  How can you receive more miracles TODAY?

Want more miracle LOVE?  If you have yet to sign up for the FREE call that SARK, Dr. John Waddell and I are holding on Thursday 12/12 all about manifesting miracles you can do so here.

Our “tele-jam” is called The Miracle Formula: How to Manifest Everyday Miracles and it’s going to be so much fun as we teach our 6 step formula for manifesting everyday miracles.

Take a moment right now and notice a miracle that is happening in your life. Take a deep breath and RECEIVE the miracle. YUM!

Sending love & miracles,

P.S. If you can’t be there with us LIVE on Thursday, register anyway and we’ll send you the recording!

Click here to receive your Miracle Formula unique call in number and pin.

P.P.S. In the video I promised to send a pic of my pregnant belly. I’m almost 7 months pregnant now and feeling pretty darn good. Here’s the promised pic!

6 months prego










Let me know what miracle is showing up in your life in the comments below! And feel free to share the love 🙂





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Wake Up Call Coaching

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