It’s been a week since the election results were revealed here in the U.S. I, like half of this country, feel absolutely devastated of who was elected. I had hoped that it would be a day of celebration and that we would watch the first woman, and first Black and Asian woman, take her rightful place as the leader of the “free” world. I am beyond ready for this change.
Unfortunately, we all know who America ended up with instead.
I’m devastated to see misogyny and racism prevail…yet again. Not surprised, but devastated nonetheless.
I won’t go on and on about why I am so disgusted that so many folks decided to overlook or embolden his behavior and values. You already know all the things.
And I’m writing from my snuggly Bay Area bubble, knowing my immense privilege as a white, cisgendered, straight, college educated woman who is not fearful that my loved ones will be deported.
Since you’re a member of this community of mine you likely share this heartache and I’m sending you love and strength. Especially for the folks who are in even greater marginalized communities, please know I see you and feel you. I will continue to work to be the best ally I can.
In the face of such despair here are the tools I’ve been using in case they are useful for you:
- Rest, rest, and rest as much as you can. (PTSD from 2016 is real!)
- Feel those damn feelings. Especially the dark ones. (So annoying, I know. But spiritual bypassing and toxic positivity only lead to a build up you need to deal with later, in much bigger ways.)
- Gather in local community with others who are also grieving. (In person, heart to heart, eye to eye.)
- Focus on caring for your nervous system. (4/7/8 breathing, Tapping, Meditation, you name it. Use all the tools!)
- Move your body in a way that feels good to you. (Long hikes and walks and dancing feel divine right now.)
- When you’re inspired and ready, join activism groups that feel aligned. (I’ve been hopping on to the calls.)
- Donate, if you can, to organizations that will stand up for human rights. (I’m a proud member of the ACLU and find their work of utmost importance.)
- Rinse and repeat.
I am here for you, dear one.
I’ve dedicated my career and life to helping women and girls overcome self-doubt and self-bullying so they can rise to become leaders we believe in.
The purpose of my work as a coach, author, and speaker, is to help you get out of your own way so that together, we can create a world that honors and respects all our children; a world in which there is opportunity for all, no matter a person’s race, nationality, spiritual beliefs, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other culturally imposed limitation.
As I look to my colleagues in the women’s leadership and women’s rights spaces the heartache is real. We cannot believe our daughters have less rights than our grandmothers did and we will find our strength and courage to continue to create change.
I know folks are calling for unity, but in my mind and heart there is a step missing when the goals of the President Elect are to take away more rights of marginalized folks.
How can people from all political spheres unite in “love and light” when there are friends/neighbors/loved ones/family members who voted for a leader that will harm them? Where is the accountability?
This is not a call to be divisive. This is not a statement to create more division.
This is a rally cry for truth and accountability.
This is a rally cry for those of us who understand what is truly at stake to rise up.
This is a rally cry for those us who want to be the best allies possible to all disenfranchised communities.
This is a rally cry so that marginalized communities feel seen and loved, despite the election results. I want you to know so many will fight for you and with you, even if we don’t look or love exactly like you.
This is a rally cry to rise up and put a stake in the ground to remind those who feel emboldened in their toxic oppressive ways that we are watching and we will not sit by, silent, and let the bullies win it all.
This is not the time to go silent or surrender to the patriarchal, oppressive, toxic systems in place. This is the time to practice radical self-care and shore up so we can continue to be the change.
Sending love beyond measure,

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