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The Wake-Up Call Show: Feeling like bug soup? (VIDEO)

Dear One,

Do you ever feel like bug soup?

No I’m not referring to some new Asian fusion cuisine. I’m talking about what a sweet little caterpillar goes through when transforming into a beautiful butterfly. During metamorphosis, the caterpillar literally becomes a liquid filled with imaginal cells. Then, like magic the imaginal cells put themselves back together into a new form, becoming that gorgeous butterfly.

It’s the perfect metaphor for what happens when we are in the midst of a big change in our lives. We need to go through that same process. Caterpillar, cocoon, disintegrate, emerge as the butterfly.

Martha Beck, Lissa Rankin and I like to refer to this time period of liquifying, when you unsure of what the heck is going on, feeling like you’re as lost as lost can be, as bug soup.

So, let me ask you again. Do you ever feel like bug soup? (Me too!)

I made a video for ya, my fellow butterfly to be.

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One of the most important things about the bug soup phase of things it to keep breathing, trusting and surrendering to the transformation afoot. You will emerge as that butterfly…swearsies!

Fly high,

P.S. If you want some community, support and wisdom when you’re in bug soup land about your life purpose, I highly recommend joining Martha Beck, Lissa Rankin and me for our Finding Your Calling program.

We just launched a super special HALF OFF sale to celebrate the course’s transformation to home-study. It is only good until tomorrow, midnight ET.

GO HERE to lock in the Find Your Calling program for 50% off. Use the code “butterfly” to receive half off. Remember, that  half off coupon expires tomorrow, August 14th at midnight ET. 

Leave a comment below letting me know where in your life you’re feeling like bug soup and what is the butterfly that is longing to emerge!




  1. Melanie says:

    Hi Amy,

    I am so in the soup career-wise. This has been an ongoing struggle for me for years. I started grad school last year, but found the whole thing so stressful that I withdrew August 1st. Had a job interview yesterday and already heard that they are not moving forward with my application – that quick rejection really stung as I thought the interview went well. I have plans to start a new business teaching parenting classes and thought the job (a part-time one) would work well around that, but it is not to be. I am excited about the business as I’ve run my own businesses before and enjoy being an entrepreneur, but there is always so much to figure out at the beginning and it is overwhelming at times. Sometimes I feel like the bug who is drowning in the soup. 🙂

    As always, love your videos. I will try to remember that someday I will emerge as a butterfly in the work area of my life. It’s been one hell of a long metamorphosis though!

  2. Caitlin says:

    Oh this is perfect!!! I have been deep in the soup this week after a profoundly transformational trip… the difference is, I have been in the soup so many times that I am able to relax and surrender to it now. I am really celebrating my ability to navigate the breakdowns.

    Coming home from the trip, I crashed. All my systems broke down. I was literally just napping, dancing, journaling and listening to the same Loreena Mckennitt CD… for three days straight!! LOL. It’s a little nerve-wracking to be in that place, but I trust myself now. I trust that I am being profoundly reorganized, literally on a cellular level. The ancestors are with me and are helping me reshape myself to better serve the world.

    The restructuring has been physical. I was having serious neck problems and managed to see a chiropractor while I was on the road. Between that, and spending two weeks barefoot in the woods, I am seeing a HUGE change in my posture, my breathing, the way my feet contact the ground… I am actually experiencing real ease, poise and centeredness for the first time EVER, and it’s blowing my mind.

    I’ve done some serious “heart judo” regarding relationships, one that is emerging, and one that is shifting. My travel and living arrangements are undergoing a huge shift… my sense of style is undergoing a radical upgrade… I am preparing to launch my life’s work… oh yes and I am still in the middle of radically reorganizing and downsizing my belongings.

    Yanno… no big deal… not for a butterfly goddess like me 😉

    Caitlin (from the retreat in January ;))

  3. Alisa Quint says:

    I am with you on this Amy.

  4. Doris says:

    First I’d like to say I love your videos. always inspiring, but sometimes the questions you and other coaches on the internet ask are frustrating because I feel like if we knew the answers to the questions we would be taking action on them or doing something about it. sometimes the answer is I don’t know. and I’d like to know where you go from there?

  5. Deborah says:

    Hi Amy. Love your “bug soup” imagery and love seeing pics you you and your gorgeous girls!!!
    My bug soup is finding my true center of my heart and soul. Transitioning from 20 years of focus as a Mom, ending up making it through a storm life brought me – and now in a place of quiet listening to what am I , who am I at my core – repressed with expectations for years and years.
    Yet ignorant to driving forces – I have been awakened to truly enter the path of surrender and deep listening.
    And it is absolutely bug soup for a doer and driver to surrender , wait and listen

    What is to emerge is the me who moves in flow and harmony with the world , who honors both the work and the rest and the joy that percolate from within. Given space to breath and célèbrate

    Because I am in a space of deep listening I am not wedded to one outcome other than authenticity and hearing my own voice – by quieting the outside noise.
    Cheers and love

  6. Marta S. says:

    I’m so messed up right now, with all the constant flow of bad news, plus people are gloom and dooming on social media. And two friends pretty much cut me out of their lives, two others moved half a world away. At this point one in person friend would be a wonderful thing..I think I’m a messed up bunch of bug soup for sure..

  7. Alaina says:

    Bug soup happened when I threw my life in a blender and dumped it out married and living in California. The butterfly is learning how to become a wife and setting roots down in CA together with Chris. Right now is a transition of merging lives and stuff, learning my way around and finding a community that supports us both.
    Changing all aspects of your world at once is a challenge but it allows for a greater reward.

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