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The Wake-Up Call Show: A Devastating Diagnosis & Love Boat

Dearest One,

As you may already know, my beloved, dear friend and colleague who I’ve had the honor of teaching side by side with for the past couple of years, Dr. John Waddell, was diagnosed with Stage 4 Colon Cancer over the summer.

I’ve been by John and his fiancé, SARK (Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy)’s sides for the amy susan johnpast 3+ months, walking with them on the path to healing. An amazing crew of dedicated friends has put together a FUNdraiser, called the Love Boat, to create a boat of love to buoy up John’s healing process, allowing him to access AMAZING alternative treatments, stay in succulent, wild nests & creative coves, and help pay the bills while they’re both not working. And the best part is that you’ll receive incredible PERKS when you donate from transformational teachers around the world, including me!

GO HERE to participate in the Love Boat and feel the love.

I wanted today to share my own story of the powerful awakenings that John’s diagnosis has created for John, for Susan, for their readers and for me.

At the end of 2014 John began experiencing symptoms. It came on slowly at first, but by the time John was admitted the hospital on July 6, he was not in good shape. And I felt relieved that he was under the care of a wonderful team of doctors and would get tests done so that we could understand what the heck was going on. Susan kept me posted via text and phone calls through the hospital admission process and her dear friend was with them to help them along the way. Susan went home for dinner and to rest as they performed the CT Scan and was going to go back to the hospital late night to meet with the doctor and have the results revealed.

It was after 9:30pm and I was tired, ready for sleep, with my baby girls finally in bed. I hung up the phone with Susan when I felt a tingling in my chest. I heard a voice, “Go with Susan to the hospital.” I felt my Inner Wisdom surging out of my chest. “Call her back and offer to pick her up.” I felt a bit silly at first, not wanting to pry or push myself onto a private moment. johnBut I listened to my inner voice and called Susan back. “Susan, I know this might sound crazy but I have a strong impulse to zoom across the bridge and pick you up and take you…” I couldn’t even finish the sentence before Susan blurted out, “YES!”. I gulped down a cup of coffee and got in my car and headed over to San Francisco.

I picked Susan up and we rushed over to the hospital lickety split, talking about how we were sure John was suffering from a simple infection (honestly, anything but the dreaded C word). John texted that the doctor had just arrived and they were waiting for us. We found a parking space out front, but I told Susan to hop out while I parallel parked so she could get up there ASAP. I would be right behind her.

I parked the car, entered the elevator with the smells of the hospital wafting in the air. I walked into the hospital room and saw the look on Susan’s face. Her eyes were big, tears beginning to stream. John looked emaciated in the hospital bed, but calm and clear. The doctor looked like he was delivering the worst news possible. Susan looked at me and said the dreaded words, “Stage 4 Colon Cancer.” FUCK! At times like this when the devastating diagnosis is delivered there is no better word to say. The doctor even said it, “Yes. This is an OH FUCK situation.”

I sat down next to Susan and put my hand on her back as she shook her head in disbelief, as if saying NO over and over again would change the reality somehow. I looked at John and took his hand as he calmly said, “Well, I created the cancer, I can uncreate it.” (This is John’s personal belief, which he doesn’t ask anyone else to share.) This sweet man didn’t skip a beat. Dr. John Waddell, my fellow co-creator and co-teacher of the Magical Manifestation Method program, just received a very UNmagical diagnosis and he sits there in his full power and decides right then and there that he will heal himself.sark

And boy has he been healing. He’s done more personal growth work in 3 months than most people do their entire lives. He’s welcomed help from all angels & angles: western medicine, energy medicine, shamans, and intuitives. His commitment to LIVING & THRIVING is strong.

John and Susan have turned a devastating diagnosis and health crisis into a profound awakening. As I witness them on their journey, I am truly blown away by their commitment to walking their talk and practicing what they preach and teach. Including what they share in their new book, Succulent Wild Love, which is due out in November! It illuminates the principles that they are living through this experience- from Joyful Solutions to MicroTruths to connecting with their Inner Wise Selves and so much more.

John and Susan have found and created the magic amongst the ashes. And I am a better person for having them both in my life.

With unstoppable love,

P.S. If you’re insS & J hugpired by John and Susan’s commitment to magic and awakening, go to their Love Boat FUNdraiser right now and donate and receive an amazing perk! Although several of my perks that I donated have sold out, there are so many amazing things to choose from, including the Inner Mean Girl 40 Day Cleanse!

And please share the Love Boat Together we’ll buoy up their love and John’s healing.

love boat



  1. Kathy says:

    Such a beautiful sharing for two lovely souls. I have been to the love boat site and donated, as so many others have – to offer a wee helping hand to John and SARK 🙂 They are so fortunate to have you as such a dear friend Amy!

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