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The Wake-Up Call Show: Throw Out Your Measuring Stick + Dance Break!

Dear One,

It’s Amy here and I’m getting all pumped up for today’s LIVE webcast and dance break. Last week’s was SO MUCH FUN and I absolutely loved receiving your fabulous feedback…thanks so much!

On today’s show, I’m going to double dog dare ya to throw out your old measuring stick for success…and claim a whole new one. You deserve to take 10 minutes and toss the measuring stick Big Fat Lie into the fire & DANCE with me!

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Getting my boogie shoes on,



P.S. I have to admit this past week has whipped my bootie! Lots of challenges, but still so much to be grateful for. And I’m ready to dance it all away with you!

P.P.S. Did you know today is the International Day of Self-Love? Woot! Join me tonight in person or virtual for the Self-Love Concert of the year. Check it out here![/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]



  1. Liza says:

    Liza! FromNYC!!

  2. Jill Keuth says:

    Hi Amy! Happy to be here with you from CO!

    • Jill Keuth says:

      THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!! I needed to trash that measuring stick and the song couldn’t have been more fitting! You are awesome Amy!!!

  3. Vicki says:

    my measuring stick is what do others think about me, or how they may judge me or what I do or don’t do

  4. Amy Rohrer says:

    ALL OF THE THINGS YOU MENTIONED>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    Now the new one…..WRINKLES! How many wrinkles do other women my age have?

  5. Heather says:

    The measuring stick that I am throwing out is: How much money I contribute to my household.

  6. Liza says:

    Good song!!!
    Took my measuring stick about not being enough and doing enough!!

  7. Heather says:

    I’m dancing and laughing and crying all at the same time – THANX AMY! XOX-Heather

  8. Liza says:

    LOL!!! That was fun!

  9. Amy Ahlers says:

    Sending LOVE….thanks for dancing with me!!

  10. Lynn L. says:

    So cool! You are so fun! Love the freedom you show to be your wonderful self! and the reminder that we can do that too!

    Thanks Amy. You are such a bright light in the world.

  11. Jan S. says:

    Thanks for the fun, Amy! My measuring sticks: Have I lost a pound? Have a been a good “away” Grandma? Have I cooked a good meal? Have I completed my to-do-today list? Have I paid enough attention to my husband today? And there’s more. But you are helping!

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