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The Wake-Up Call Show: LIVE webcast and dance break–Woot!

Darling One,

I was in my office on a conference call when I suddenly heard a faint chirping sound. I glanced over at my window and saw that a bird was in my house frantically trying to get out the closed window. Naturally I panicked, desperately trying to show the little bugger the way to the freedom, leaving me wondering, “Where in my life am I ignoring the way to freedom…and instead smashing into windows with all my might?”

And that brings me to today’s wake-up call. But I didn’t record you a video. Oh no! Instead, today, I’m inviting you to join me LIVE in 30 minutes for my very first Wake-Up Call Show webcast at 9am PT/noon ET. Woot!

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My intention is for it to be a badass breakfast treat if you’re on the West Coast, a luscious lunch break if you’re on the East Coast, and a neato nightcap if you’re overseas.

I’ll tell you the whole scoop on what the little birdie showed me about resistance, take a few LIVE questions via chat & we’ll end with a dance break. How’s that sound, gorgeous?

I cannot wait to be with you!

With delightful anticipation,



P.S. Oh I wanted to make sure to share the good word about a GROOVY new book my new friend Shasta Nelson just released, “Friendships Don’t Just Happen! The Guide to Creating a Meaningful Circle of Girlfriends”.

I don’t know about you, but my girlfriends and soul sisters are an irreplaceable source of JOY in my life. And this book is the guide book you’ve been longing for. Definitely check it out and order it for yourself, a sister, a mom, or a friend. GO HERE NOW!

P.P. S. Extra goodness just for you. Check me out on: 




  1. uma says:

    Good Morning Amy – I just got to catch the tail end and dance with you. I then played the replay and it won’t go past 6 minutes and 30 secs. I have let it continue downloading (i forgot what the lag time is called) but it still won’t. Just sending this as a heads up in case it is a problem for others – maybe it is just me and my computer. Love the live stream – you come across so well and vibrant. Have a spectacular day. Thanks for all you do. Uma

  2. Dearest Amy, That was sooo much fun!!! I loved the dancing (I was dancing, too.) I have to ponder on what I am resisting. I am not really sure. In the vision, I held up my paintbrush and looked at my blank canvas. Hmmm… The bird smashing into the window is a very powerful vision. I will think about this. Thank you, Amy.
    Love you so much!

  3. Angela Canonico says:

    Amy loved your video! You were cute dancing being vibrate & enjoying yourself. I tuned to my inner child seeing her dance being happy,free playing hangin’ tough by new kids on the block in the background. That made me want to join in on the fun dancing with her before I studied. It felt great! I know where I am ignoring my freedom, my inner wisdom has told me to say NO more often & set boundaries. I’ve noticed being aware of it that I faultered saying to myself I have done my best

  4. Beth Schumaker says:

    Hi Amy, Are you familiar with Pema Chodron and her work related to the Shambhala form of Buddhism? My favorite is the “Comfortable with Uncertainty” audio/book, which – among other things – talks about the importance of “leaning” into whatever is present versus resisting……..and much more. It is beautifully written, very powerful and helpful in a practical way, and focuses on compassion with self and others.
    I love your material and your authenticity, Amy!!

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