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The Wake-Up Call Show: Stop Stealing Your Celebrations! (Video)

Dear One,

When you hit a milestone, reach the finish line, have a peak experience…do you stop and actually celebrate it? Do you acknowledge what a badass you are? Do you wave your hands in the air like you just don’t care, jump up and down and say “I’m SO darn proud of myself!”?

Or do you let your Inner Mean Girl rob you of celebration? Do you just go onto the next thing and never stop and acknowledge what you’ve created?

Check out my latest video and stop robbing yourself of the celebration you deserve.

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I feel so blessed that I had such an amazing trip to the East Coast where I got to meet with agents, lead a sold out mini-workshop and book signing in NYC and reform 50 Inner Mean Girls at Kripalu with my partner, Christine Arylo. Did I stop and celebrate it? You bet your bottom dollar I did! Get the full scoop on my video here!

Sending you much love & celebration,




P.P.S. Moms! Are you tired of being…tired? Do you continue to put on everyone else’s needs before yours? Are you over smelling diapers and dirty socks and just want to stop to smell the roses? Ready to release all those Big Fat Lies you beat yourself up with?!

Join my dear friend, New York Times bestselling author Kristine Carlson, along with 45 other bestselling authors/speakers…including ME!….to get exclusive tips for moms to stress less and enjoy your family more.

Join us for the “‘The Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff for Moms’ Virtual Conference” absolutely FREE!

>>GO HERE so you can stop sweating the small stuff!<<


P.P. S. Take a moment right now and put your hand on your heart. Take a deep breath and acknowledge what a beautiful human being you are. You’re doing a great job, sweet one.

I celebrate YOU!

Let me know below about a win and peak experience and let’s celebrate it!

And please do visit my Facebook page this week and continue to acknowledge your wins! 🙂





  1. Julia says:

    Thank you for bringing this up. I could easily recall some peak experiences, and could also recall how I put the damper on them right away. Promotions uncelebrated. Major accomplishments minimized. Pivotal insights downplayed. I just wanted to be accepted and liked and I guess I was trying to appease those who were jealous and mean-spirited about my success. That didn’t actually work, so I robbed myself for nothing. I think I’ll go celebrate now.

  2. Sandy says:

    This video was really powerful for me. Thank you for your vulnerability. I think the reason I haven’t celebrated some of my peak experiences is because I was unable to get vulnerable, to cry, to feel powerless before what I’d wanted so much (and could lose at any moment). Brene Brown says that joy is the most vulnerable emotion. Seeing your video brought this home to me in a visceral way. There is much that I feel joyful about now in my growing business. Instead of focusing on the next milestone, I will take time today to enjoy a phone call with my fab business partner, and just be grateful for the opportunity to take a step everyday with people I love doing work I love.

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