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The Wake-Up Call Show: Committed to Struggle Part 2 (Video)

Dear One,

I’m up in the air flying to the Big Apple as you read this…on my way to light up NYC at the REFORM YOUR INNER CRITIC & BECOME YOUR OWN BEST FRIEND event on Thursday night at Namaste Books (RSVP for this FREE self-love event here).

Then I’m heading off to the world famous Kripalu center to co-lead the Inner Mean Girl Reform School LIVE weekend retreat (it’s not too late to join us…GO HERE for the deets).

Now onto the commitment to struggle insanity. Wow was I blown away by the responses I received from last week’s video.  On the video I asked you to rate on a scale of 1-10 how committed you are to STRUGGLE. 66.6% of you rated 7 or higher. That means the majority of us are WAAAY too committed to struggle and drama in our lives.

I was really struck by this. I mean we all say we want ease and peace in our lives, but in reality we are stirring up the drama and struggle in our lives. So here’s what I did…I created 3 steps to help you (and me!) release the commitment to struggle. CLICK BELOW and watch this video now & let the EASE flow in.

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I can’t wait to release my own commitment to struggle and renew my commitment to EASE. Join me!

With love and ease,



P.S. Inspiration for a Woman’Aspire Pics Soul!

Aspire Magazine just released its “Self-Care for a Woman’s Soul” issue and I’m excited to say I’M IN IT! Check out my article, Big Fat Lies About Self-Care, as well as that of Kristine Carlson, Lisa Marie Rosati, Crystal Andrus and more.

Over 80 pages of love, wisdom & inspiration for women. Peek inside the new issue here:

While you’re there be sure to claim YOUR FREE SUBSCRIPTION to Aspire as well as 60+ free gifts from their Team Inspiration partners. It’s all part of Aspire’s global “Mission to Inspire 100,000 Women” campaign.

Leave me a comment below and let me know if you are with me in releasing STRUGGLE and committing to EASE!

Then, post your progress on my Facebook Page this month.




  1. Jill says:

    I was surprised with last weeks video how committed I am to “struggling”. I’ve been tapping on it, doing intentions on it and working on it. I feel like it’s primarily political/social issues and financial but I know there’s emotional stuff, too, which I’m working hard to clear and release.

    You’re right, intentions are powerful.

    Thanks so much for all that you do. 🙂

  2. Heather says:

    Thank you! I thought I was done punishing myself/gripping on to fear and belief in struggle. I guess we are forever adjusting toward balance and forgiveness. I am joining you in the ease!

    I’ve been asking the universe for support and people to reflect back to me all the goodness and guidance I offer. I’ve been in a blind spot for a few days and this helps so much! Thank you for offering these words – they nurture me ; )

  3. Lynn L. says:

    After I rated myself an 8 in my commitment to struggle, I had a conversation with a person with whom I have experienced a great deal of conflict…. dis- ease. I proposed that we both rate ourselves on this scale and commit to raising the ease portion of the relationship. And to make more decisions with each other based on ease rather than fighting the “good fight”. (We are social workers by profession after all!) It was really an ah ha for me to see that my “commitment” to struggle is larger than to ease because life presents many challenges. But it I am the one who makes the struggle constant! Life is up and down, with gifts, and ease, as well as the hard times. Thanks so much for that reminder Amy.

  4. Carolyn says:

    I am joining you with ease in my life.

  5. Heidi W says:

    sounds like Wendy Joy Hart’s stuff!!! Did you get the easy button from her coaching? She’s the one that talks of neural net and the easy button in her Procrastination Cure coaching.

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