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The Wake-Up Call Show: Who does your Soul want you to BE in 2014?

Happy, Happy New Year Dear One!

It’s now officially 2014…time to ring in a bright and shiny new year and give yourself the gift of a fresh start. YUM!

Today I have a question for you to ponder as you go into the first day of 2014…a question that I feel is the most important question for you to ask as you begin the year;
Who does your SOUL want you to BE in 2014?
I made a super quick video with my 6 year old, Annabella, last night before we headed out for some New Years Eve fun. It’s less than 2 minutes because Bella wouldn’t stop making silly faces. LOL! CLICK BELOW to check it out:

It is so important to look at who we want to BE instead of what we want to DO…it can make all the difference in how your year goes. And adding in who your SOUL or INNER WISDOM wants you to be will lead you into a land filled with deeply held desires, remarkable visions and your truest, most important dreams.

For me, as I look to 2014, here are three things I see that my soul wants me to BE:

  • A present, peace-filled mom of two healthy, happy daughters: my baby is due in the beginning of March and I remember all too well how easy it was for me to slip into anxiety and fear with a newborn babe in my arms. My soul is crying out (pun intended!) for me to BE a mom filled with peace and presence, a mom who resists the temptation to go into fear, a mom that enjoys nearly every moment with my newborn sweet pea.
  • A true writer: Christine Arylo and I are in the final stages of signing our book deal for the Reform Your Inner Mean Girl book we are co-writing….super, duper exciting! And my soul is longing for me to enter a new level with my writing for this next book. One that goes to new depths and explores new ways of writing that will bring more impact to the world. Hooray!
  • A connected, loving wife:  My marriage is the most incredible gift I’ve ever received. It is my home base, my safe harbor, my refuge. And my soul sees that there are even more ways I can connect in and lean into Rob and our marriage…especially as we make way for our new baby. I’m excited to dive deeper into the love I feel for Rob and to bond even more as we create a safe nest for our second child.

Can you FEEL how powerful this question is? Wowzie! I’d be honored to witness some of your findings too.

GO BELOW and leave me a comment about who your soul wants YOU to BE in 2014.

May 2014 to be your most connected, soulful  year yet,

Amy Ahlers, The Wake-Up Call Coach
Bestselling Author of Big Fat Lies Women Tell Themselves
CEO of Wake-Up Call Coaching
Co-Creator of Inner Mean Girl Reform School, Inner Wisdom Golden Circle,
Find Your Calling and Visionary Ignition Switch

I  have two invitations for you, my darling, if you want to go deeper with me in 2014:

First, there are only two magical spots left for January’s Magical Manifestation Retreat I’m co-leading with SARK & Dr. John Waddell. We’re going to have such a BLAST creating, manifesting and calling in 2014 in a huge way. We’re going to spend days DREAMING and DESIRING. Then we’re going to help you create an inspired action plan so you can attract it all in. PLUS we’ll have a pajama party and campfire and create a Magical Manifestation treasure chest. Oh la la!!

Apply now if you’re feeling called to join us and we’ll hook you up with a one on one conversation to see if it is truly the right fit for YOU!

Second, Christine Arylo and I are taking an amazing group of women from all over the world on a 40 day journey to release the toxic habits of their Inner Mean Girl. It’s called the Inner Mean Girl 40 Day Cleanse and it is sure to help you start 2014 feeling filled to brim with self-love.


Over the course of 40 powerful days you’ll release toxic habits like gossip, obligation, guilt and MORE!  GO HERE for all the deets and to sign up!


P.P.S. Finally for those who are ready to welcome in their soulmate in the new year:  Sign up now for the Ready for The Right Guy Global Telesummit to hear my interview and over 20 other experts spill their love and romance secrets. GO HERE to save your FREE spot and get immediate access to some amazing free gifts too. Happy New Year!


 I can’t wait to see who your soul wants YOU to BE in 2014 and beyond.





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