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The Wake-Up Call Show: The Fear Frosting (Video for you, Dear One)

Dearest One,

Greetings from vacation land! I’ve been out and about soaking up the sun, devouring books and watching my 5 year old, Annabella, build sand castles. I hope you’ve gotten to enjoy some time for you this summer….time to connect to your Inner Wisdom and remember how important you are. You matter!

As you may know, I decided to do my Wake-Up Call Wednesday newsletters less frequently to allow space for my travels and my daughter and husband this summer. But I was so excited to do a short video for you from my trip to Puerto Vallarta! Click below to listen in.

In today’s video, I talk about the annoying habit of frosting deep inner knowings with a “fear frosting.” I’ve noticed it in my life (and in my client’s lives too!). Perhaps you’ve experienced the fear frosting phenomenon too?

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I hope you’ll join me and scrape off the fear frosting and put on some faith frosting instead!

I’m sending you buckets of faith, rays of sunshine, and so much love.

With unstoppable enthusiasm,

P.S. I so love it when you share my videos and leave your comments below.  It warms my heart!

P.P.S. Have you told yourself something KIND today? Take a moment right now and do so. It feels soooooo yummy![/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]



  1. I love the superstar glasses Amy! Looking fabulous!
    And I love your energy, thank you for fun videos & uplifting messages 🙂

  2. Rainbow says:

    Hi Amy,
    Happy Summer to you too!!!
    I love the naming of “fear frosting” and transitioning it into “faith frosting”.
    Fear is such a huge topic and covers so many different areas of our lives. But what I like about it and what I think Dr Brené Brown´s work and research shows about being/feeling vulnerable is that it is what unites us all. Brené shows us that our fears, doubts, imperfections are part of our beauty and greatness.
    The one certainty in life is that life is uncertain and we are all mortal.
    Following our hearts and living from our values allows us to feel that no matter what happens in life, we did our best in each moment from our truth with the knowledge and resources we had to hand.
    The important thing to remember is that everyone holds these fears and doubts but the difference for some is that they live through it and do things even though they are afraid of failing or looking silly, or they don´t know how things will turn out or if a decision will bring them closer to their dreams or goals, or what they will do if it doesn´t work out the way they want.
    No matter what happens in life, you just need to have faith and keep trying anyway. If someone does something evil to you, still have faith in kindness and stay a loving person. If you fail at something, keep faith that you can try again or find a new way to achieve what you want but always keep faith in yourself.
    Robert Holden PhD, psychologist, says that when living through difficult terrain in your life and you feel like giving up or feel like you can´t cope, that is your ego self talking, your self-image feels hurt by what has happened, but your spirit self, your soul, is always there for you and always full of unconditional love and can cope with anything and can get through anything that life throws at you. That is the part of us that we can access through mindfulness, meditation, conscious breathing, exercise like yoga, qigong which connects our mind, body and spirit together. It connects us to our dreams and our faith and shows us our strength to grow and learn from all the good and bad that happens to us in a loving, forgiving and compassionate way.
    I wrote an article on my blog about some of the difficulties we all experience in *shining our light* and action steps and resources that may help to use your gifts in the world and step into your light as that helps shine the way for others too who resonate with your journey, your story:

  3. Trish says:

    Hi Amy,
    recently with the breakup of my long term significant relationship my life has been turned upside down. Being open, and showing my vulnerability has opened me to the support and kindness of those around me. I am constantly surprised by how wonderful people are (not just friends but people I hardly know). I am finding as I move forward bravely things are falling into place and working out. Despite only being able to see one or two steps ahead I believe it will all work out. I am finding that everything is coming together smoothly and easily which is allowing me to transition in to my new life with grace and ease. Faith frosting is really working for me! 🙂

  4. eliza says:

    Hi Amy! Your email couldn’t have come at a better time. I have been working for 2 years on what i KNOW to be my life’s work (designing simple printable parties to help families celebrate their big and small moments in a memorable way). I have even had a website up for a while, but have never taken the leap to put the word out there. I have been terrified that it’s just not ready; it’s not perfect, not good enough. Well I’m taking your advice and scraping off the fear frosting. Here is my public coming out! Please check out if you have the chance!
    thanks for your encouragement. ox, eliza

  5. Like Eliza said, your video couldn’t have come at a better time. I have an interview for a job tomorrow that I know is right for me, but I’ve been doubting myself ever since I got the call about the interview instead of celebrating it. Also, received a rejection letter in the mail yesterday from an interview I had two months ago and that I knew wasn’t the right job for me, but that made me doubt myself more – like why didn’t they want me for that stupid job that I didn’t really want? Crazy, right? Anyway, I need to shake off the fear frosting and go in with faith to this interview that it will work out or not depending on what is the right path for me. I will celebrate that I got this far in the process – it’s not easy scoring job interviews these days! – and do my best and let the chips fall where they may. Thanks again.

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