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The Wake-Up Call Show: I’m not buying into your fear, Dear One! (Video)

Dear One,

I was talking with my dear friend, Samantha Bennett, the other day, about some fears and Big Fat Lies that were coming up. Her response? With total compassion and love, she said, “Amy, I’m so not buying it!” She refused to buy into my fear. WOW!

Check out the full story below!

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I just love the idea of turning to our fear and Inner Critics and saying “Ummmm…I’m not buying it.” Oh yeah!

Also in the video I celebrate the newest member of our household, Rocky Blue!

Our new rescue doggie, Rocky Blue, and Annabella

Our new rescue doggie, Rocky Blue, and Annabella

I’m sending love to you today, my dear one.

With unstoppable enthusiasm,

P.S. I’m going to have a VERY special personal announcement coming up next week (or the week after). Be on the look out for my next Wake-Up Call Wednesday email. Te he he…so much fun!

Please make sure to leave a comment below about the Big Fat Lie and Fear that you’re not buying!




  1. Karin says:

    Thank you for this wake-up call Amy!

    I tell myself that I am too depressing , no fun, hard to be around. I totally would understand if my boyfriend decides to end our relationship.

    Lots of love Karin

    • Amy Ahlers says:


      I’m SO not buying it. And I challenge you to go out and have FUN today to collect evidence of what a fun, fabulous woman you are!


  2. An IMG attack? LOL I love it! I love this video and your fun energy: best way to de-activate the IMG 🙂

    I’m not buying it: that my goals and dreams are too big and too bold to achieve before December 22nd of this year. I’m just not buying it.

    Welcome Rocky Blue!


  3. Belle says:

    I’m not buying into the fear that… I’m too scared and intimidated to fulfill my dreams. I need to go for my goals instead. Instead, I want to believe in myself and stop searching for outside validation.

  4. Laurene says:

    I am not buying that I am so busy that I have no time to go to the gym and that’s why i am over weight. I need to reorganize my time and find a way. Thanks Amy.

  5. Julia says:

    There is no cure, and even if I managed to find one it would take too long, or be impossible to do, or wouldn’t work, or would cost too much, and on and on. I’m not buying it. I choose to believe and act as if anything is possible.

  6. Shweta says:

    Welcome, Rocky Blue! =D

    Im posting this one up on my computer!
    Thank you, Amy! Great post and reminder!

    Ive recently been experiencing “Im not good enough.” thoughts, “Im never going to be able to serve people to the level I want to serve them.”
    All these type of negative thoughts is really impacting my biz, getting clients, etc.
    Im an Ayurvedic practitioner, therapist, Ayurvedic Post Partum Doula (first 42 days after a woman gives birth impacts the next 42 years!)
    Im working on my websites:;

    Keep shining!

    love, shweta

  7. Jennifer Williams says:

    I’m NOT BUYING that I should settle for less than my dreams!

    (and welcome Rocky Blue!)

  8. AmyJo says:

    You woke me up and called me to attention! I am not buying it! That my dreams of speaking on stage, motivating and inspiring thousands of people to embrace their Good Core are silly, childish and way way way too big for me AND I need to get real and “get a job!” Not buying that I am going to do what I have done for the last 47 years and find some reason why it can’t happen. Not buying it!

  9. Judith says:

    I’m not buying these BFLs:

    “You’re not (smart, organized, creative, innovative ) enough to (be a solopreneur, keep accounts for your own business, come up with interesting content, attract clients) so you should stick with the job that’s slowly sucking out your soul (because it’s financially secure, has long vacations, isn’t physically demanding)…”

    “You’re just being selfish when you think about/talk about/choose what YOU want to do…”

    “What will people think of you?”

    “There’s so much / too much new stuff to learn if you want to go ahead with this dream of yours…”

    Sound familiar? Does any of this resonate with you?

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