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Wake-Up Call Wednesday: What do you STAND for in 2013?

Dear One,

Last week I challenged you to look at the question, “Who do you want to BE in 2013?”  I just LOVE reading your responses and feedback. Delicious!

I wanted to continue the exploration of making 2013 your juiciest year yet, by asking you another powerful question: What is it that you STAND for this year? I made a short video for you to get your heart stirring! Click below to watch.

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For me, 2013 is the year of DIGGING DEEPER. This means all sorts of things to me…it means digging deeper in my work, service and contribution in the world. It means digging deeper in my marriage and friendships. It means digging deeper in my role as a mom. And so much more.

What is your STAND for the year?

Fill in the blank: 2013 is the year of __________

Let me know on my blog (link to this post)…I’ll be reading and holding your 2013 stand alongside of you!

With unstoppable enthusiasm & DEEP love,




P.S. I wanted to make sure you saw that the amazing Great Work Retreat I have the honor of co-leading with my soul sisters, Shiloh Sophia and Christine Arylo, is almost completely full. We only have 7 seats left in our sacred circle of women visionaries ready to dig deeper with their Great Work in the world.


Don’t delay, as applications are due THIS Sunday, 1/13, at midnight ET and there are only 7 spots remaining.

If you are called to join me for 4 days of visioning, masterminding, heart-storming and so much more, I hope to see you there!

Make sure to leave your 2013 STAND in the comments below…

and if you’re inspired, respond to another person’s STAND and tell them how fabulous they are!




  1. Lana says:

    This is the year of finishing projects and purging. I have 24 quilts in progress that I need to finish. I will not buy any more quilt fabric this year. I repeat: I will not buy any more quilt fabric this year. And I will purge at least one thing from my home every day.

    • Lisa says:

      Go Lana! Two years ago I did the same thing. While I did not finish all the projects I did complete a cross-stitch baby blanket that I began before my youngest niece was born. She turns 14 this year. It can be done.

    • Amy Ahlers says:

      Oh Lana!! I love envisioning all of those quilts getting out into the world. STUNNING!!

  2. Liza says:

    2013 is the year of Renewal and Rewiring – for more Intimacy for myself and the important people in my life. My intention is to give CONSTANT SELF CARE to become a
    better and open woman.

    Thank you!

  3. Mariah says:

    This year I stand for passion, service and playfulness! Great question. It’s always so powerful to have something to check in with and help guide you as you make decisions every day.

  4. Linda says:

    This is the year of Empowerment The five feelings I want are Abundance, organized, connected,creative and strong. Any accomplishment in feeling those feelings will empower me to live the life I want. ie. under strong I am working on health and vitality but also on technical skills for the computer. I feel I can measure against these when making choices in my day.

  5. Evgenia says:

    This year is a year of Deep Connection. To me it means saying “Yes” to the call. It is saying yes to greatness, it is saying “Yes” to doing what I came here to do. It means becoming a magnet for connecting with women who are on the same path. Connection means cherishing myself, playing big, stepping up to my true desires, and showing up!

  6. lynn says:

    2013 is the year of accepting miracles.

  7. Luzia Light says:

    2013 is the year of FREEDOM. Freedom to do what I want to do when I want to do it! Yay!

  8. Linda Schaeffer says:

    Amy, Seeing your smile made my day!!! Thanks for the encouragement. I am waiting for biopsy results for uterine cancer. My word for the year is INSPIRED, chosen before I knew something scary might be up. Hanging onto God plus a little help from you, Lissa Rankin and Martha Beck.

  9. Teresa says:

    Great question. I love this idea.

    I will take Inspired ACTION. I will both listen to my intuition and take action when I feel led (instead of talking myself out of it.)

  10. Cyd says:

    In 2013 I will stand for CREATING BEAUTY and FINDING FOCUS. I know have there is a special avenue just for me and I’m determined to find it!

  11. Jen says:

    This is the year of self-support; making sure I take care of myself and set my boundaries, knowing that I deserve it and that I MUST do it. I am here to help others to shine and I must support myself in shining, first.

    Thank you for the Love, Amy. You are deeply loved, too.

  12. Mo says:

    In 2013, I WILL accept myself exactly like the way I am, I WILL validate true my self-identity and I will listen to my inner intuitive soul to express myself from inside out with out any fear of being scrutinized or judged by others..I am determined to be MADLY IN LOVE WITH ME…I cant wait to come to learn from you Amy for those 4 days of visionary work to make change in my life, my work and for my soul..See you soon…

    Love & Light.

    Mo from Boston.

  13. Martine says:

    Every year I choose a word (or two) that is my theme or mantra for the year – just like your “stands”. This year I chose “dedicate.” The origin of the word means “to declare”, so the first part of this is really making conscious decisions and owning my choices in what I decide to do. I am trying to break myself of the habit of not following through; I’m a chronic dabbler. This year for me is really about committing wholeheartedly and unreservedly to the things I choose to do. The various definitions of “dedicate” really speak to me, because together they create a roadmap for how to live this word:
    -devoting (oneself, one’s time, etc) wholly to a special purpose or cause (committing)
    -to mark the official opening or completion of something (create the space, make it official)
    -to set aside for or assign to a specific function, task, or purpose (give myself the resources I need)
    -to offer formally to a person, cause, or the like in testimony of affection or respect (really being clear on my intentions for my choices)

    Wishing all an amazing year!

  14. Sally B says:

    What a great, clear challenge. 2013 is the year I listen to my body and to my true self… (Thanks!)

  15. Mary says:

    2013 is the year of trusting myself and awakening to the good things that are coming my way. thanks Amy!

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