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Wake-Up Call Wednesday: Are you Loving or Worrying? (Video)

Dear One,

Annabella, my nearly 5 year old, started her Kindergarten orientation camp this week at her new school. Gulp.

She skipped down the hall to class the first day…while I was filled with panic inside. My Inner Worry Wart, known as Negative Nelly, has been in FULL SWING (or should I say full spin?) this week. So I made a video about worry just for you (and me!). Click below to watch it.

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Whether you are worrying about your own child, a parent, a project or your health, I hope you’ll find the video inspiring.

Sending you so much LOVE (not worry!),




P.S. Thank you all so much for your love and support on my Facebook page where I posted a pic of Annabella in her school “uniform”. You are all the BEST!

P.P.S. Haven’t “liked” my Facebook page yet? I’d love to have you in my community…go here.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]



  1. Pam says:

    Great stuff Amy and timely. I am in a situation right now that has me worrying a lot about health issues and boy can that send me in a spin. Remembering to tune into LOVE reminds me of what Dr Wayne Dyer speaks about too. Thanks for the reminder xoxo

  2. Amy Ahlers says:

    You’re most welcome Pam!

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