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The Wake-Up Call Show: How to Reclaim Your Body’s Brilliance with Steve Sisgold

Dearest One,

Your beautiful body is absolutely BRILLIANT. Truly it is one of your greatest assets in your life… But maybe you’re feeling a bit disconnected from your body’s innate intelligence? Or maybe you are plugged in and can feel that your body has all sorts of secrets to reveal to you?

Or perhaps you and your Inner Wisdom use your body as the ultimate truth teller in your life?

No matter what you resonate with above, I want you to learn how to unleash your body’s intelligence by inspiring to run out and grab 3 copies (one for you, one for a friend and one to hold onto as a future gift) of my dear friend, Steve Sisgold’s brand new book, Whole Body Intelligence.

Today, I want to gift you with an experience of Steve’s genius and breakthrough approach so I asked him to get on a video call with me. Click below to watch it:

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Beginning with a heart felt foreword from my dear friend, NY Times best selling author Dr. Lissa Rankin M.D., Whole Body Intelligence: Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Body to Achieve Greater Wisdom, Confidence, and Success  presents a unique, body-centric approach to get out of your head and take charge of every area of your life with increased awareness, clarity, and confidence.While most self-improvement programs train people to identify and solve problems by grappling with them mentally, often to no avail, author, trainer and executive coach Steve Sisgold, takes you into the body, the most reliable, effective pathway to realizing one’s innermost desires and achieving success.

Whole Body Intelligence will Teach You:

  • How to become aware of subtle body sensations–such as gripping your phone or clenching your jaw during a tense conversation.
  • How to interpret your body’s messages and link them to negative thoughts and behaviors that are impeding your success and happiness.
  • Breakthrough techniques to recognize the patterns and imprints that have shaped experiences and decisions for your entire life.
  • How to change ”Viral” thoughts and behaviors before they become self-sabotaging into “Vital Beliefs”, employing simple, body-centric stress management tools.
  • To stay engaged, resilient, and relaxed in any situation.
  • To make difficult decisions without strenuous mental gymnastics. No more over thinking, no more lying awake at night strategizing your next move- just you trusting what you know and acting with confidence.

Inspiring and practical, Whole Body Intelligence empowers you to channel the power of your body to achieve your wildest dreams.

Order Today and Get Some Great Exclusive Gifts

Order your copy of WBI today, and receive some empowering bonus gifts, including exclusive conversations Steve has with Debbie Rosas, Lisa Rankin, and me, Amy Ahlers. You will also get an audio of Steve leading you through his Rebooting Technique.

You’re going to adore this book!

With unstoppable enthusiasm,

P.S. Steve’s work is being used worldwide by the president of the LA Dodgers, to leaders of corporations like PayPal and Google, to Oscar and Grammy winners to medical professionals.

I’ve personally worked with Steve and have been blown away by his work.

Now you get to hear all of his insights and participate in his programs, in this highly entertaining and interactive book. I love this book and I think you will too!




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