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The Wake-Up Call Show: Google Hangout of the 3-Step Process & Dance Party

Dear One,

I’m lacing up my boogie shoes again! Join me LIVE in about 30 minutes at 9am PT/ Noon ET or watch anytime after for today’s Wake-Up Call Wednesday webcast.

On today’s Wake-Up Call Show live webcast, I’ve invited some very special guests to join me as we groove our ways to new stories, release Big Fat Lies and embrace our Inner Wisdom’s Truth.

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Get ready to experience the Wake-Up Call 3-Step Process and take a dance break with us. I know you’re going to love it!

With delightful anticipation,

Post your Wake-Up Call 3-Step Process below and dance with me! 

I’ll be dancing like nobody’s watching… 🙂




  1. Jennifer Williams says:

    I release my Big Fat Lie that I am supposed to watch OTHERS live their dream!

    • Jennifer Williams says:

      My Inner Wisdom knows that All Will Be Well, and that I am on the perfect path for me – at the perfect pace.

  2. Amy, My inner mean girl is saying that it would be irresponsible for me to quit my job and teach healing/painting workshops. I am needed in my community as a doctor. I would not have enough money to continue to pay for my own traveling and retreats that feed me. My inner wisdom is telling me that this is just my fear speaking to me. My inner mean girl is telling me that the people in my community would be mad at me. That they will not pay for a healing/painting workshop held by me. My inner wisdom is telling me that this is just silly!

  3. Brenda says:

    My inner critic was telling me that “I can’t do it” and that “I don’t have enough energy or time.”
    After going inward as you suggested, I said to myself “you can do it. You just need a bit of rest right now to heal from your recent losses.” (Experienced 3 deaths of close relatives and a teacher)

    I seem to always have the energy to help others. The rest of the story is that I then do not have the energy for myself. Boy that sounds hypocritical as my work is in helping others help themselves. When I use the tools I teach to others, I do well, and I do use them. I feel I am ever after seeking balance, 🙂

    Thanks, Amy, for your enthusiasm. I seem to be lacking that right now. It feels good to bask in your light. 🙂

    • Amy Ahlers says:

      Brenda, I SO get it. That is why I always have my own coaches and healers to support me. We teach what we most need to learn.

      Rest rest and rest some more sweetie.

      I trust you!

  4. Lorna says:

    my inner critic has been telling me that i shouldn’t go hard on exercise again because i’ll just lose, get toned and fall off the wagon again and gain it all back like i did a few years ago…

  5. I release my Big Fat Lie that don’t deserve to follow my dream.

  6. Lorna says:

    thank you amy 😀

  7. Lora says:

    That nurturing myself is unnecessary. Celebrating life by dancing is necessary and women are nurturing plus powerful

  8. Summer says:

    Thank you so much for doing the work you do, Amy. My Inner Mean Girl is saying that I will not make it if I quit my accountant’s job and pursue teaching Yoga and Krav Maga, that I cannot be as fit and healthful and lead by example, that it is all too hard and demanding and I will give up halfway and have to go back to accounting, just like I had to do 2 years ago. That I am not good enough. And this hurts.

    My Inner Wisdom is reminding me that I am safe, and I am enough. That I may not see how this will all pan out but all I need to do is take heart, and just put one foot in front of the other. That even if I can only tip toe, to take that itsy bitsy step anyway, and it will all work out eventually.

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