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Wake-Up Call Wednesday: The Lice Outbreak (Video of my weekend adventure!)

Dear One,

It was supposed to be the perfect weekend. We had been looking forward to it for WEEKS! Our dear friends were heading up from Los Angeles to be with us, Annabella was having her 5th birthday party and we were ready for fun, frolic and festiveness…that is until we realized that after her first week of kindergarten Bella had come home with lice. OMG! Get the full story on this video here:

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Take 5 minutes out to watch the video and have a chuckle…and get my 4 step process for what to do when the sh*t hits the fan!

With unstoppable enthusiasm,




P.S. I always adore it when you share and comment on my videos and posts. So click on the picture above, watch the video and make sure to leave a comment. :)[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]



  1. Leigh says:

    Thank you Amy for sharing this family story!! You are, of course, so far from alone in this. My daughter and our family went through this, so many of our friends have gone through this. Stuff just happens and it’s so important to remember that the important thing is how we get through it. You are an inspiration and a wise woman and I love you for all of it. Thanks again! Blessed be.

  2. LisaMarie says:

    Wow – thank you for helping me to surrender and find the humor in unexpected situations, but also reminding me that Murphy’s Law–specifically–is not an excuse. I really found inspiration in this video. Everything makes me tear up these days. haha Hugs and happy birthday to Annabella!

    • Amy Ahlers says:

      Oh yes, tearing up is GOOD!!! And the whole “Murphy’s Law” can do one of two thigs:

      -bring humor


      -more than likely create the subtext that The Universe is out to get you…which is a Big Fat Lie!!!


  3. fran greenfield says:

    Although the item is lice, the issue is “How to Live in This World,” and your advice is both simple, and wise beyond your years. It’s easy to write about these spiritual practices, but doing them in the midst of the painful moment is another story.
    Kudos to you Amy. I wish I knew way back then what you know now. Rock on.

  4. Amy Ahlers says:


    Your response gave me chills. Thank you so much for acknowledging me. It is where the “rubber meets the road” that our spiritual practices work…or get quickly forgotten. Thank goodness I have such a wonderful community and tribe supporting me to stay on my path and LAUGH!!

    With LOVE,

  5. Usha Chohan Baxter says:

    I just love this video & hearing you recap our adventures! Lol!
    Good food, great weather, the best of friends, lots of laughing, lots of love and one curve ball made of lemons, so Shazaam! Lots of lemonade! There was tons of humor to be found in this sit-com-ready situation! And we milked it for what it was worth!
    We were going to laugh anyway, so why not in a ‘No-nits salon’ over some delicious Thai Food?!
    We were going to share and “lighten the load” for each other anyway.. so who cares if it was to the tune of 37 loads of laundry?
    We were gonna get deep anyway so why not talk it out while channeling our inner simian, combing each other’s hair til 2AM? Oh and by the way? YOU ARE such a WONDERFUL mommy Amy. Not only did you make darn sure your daughter- your beautiful,funny, confident,spit-fire daughter-had the best birthday party possible, but you did so while showing the highest degree of care and concern & deference to everyone involved, every evolving step of the way. Just another testament to your character’s strength. Your inner wisdom was spot on sweet girl!
    We can’t wait see you guys again. With so much love and admiration,

  6. What a great story, Amy! You cannot believe how common it is for children to get lice. So proud of you for not freaking out and changing your plans for Annabella. You are my hero!!!
    much love to you. shari
    p.s. most parents freak out. believe me.

  7. Nancy Voogd says:

    What a lovely introduction to you! You are infectious and bubbly and I adore how you handled that situation. If, for some reason, the treatments don’t work (and I only say this because we had an outbreak when my daughter was 16! and the first few things we tried didn’t work), this is the only thing we found to completely get rid of the lice and nits.

    It’s essential oils, so it smells great and it’s nontoxic. I get no kick back from this endorsement. I just firmly believe in how well it works. I truly hope you don’t need it, but if you do, check it out.

  8. Karen says:

    So funny to read this today. I’m coming off a hilarious 2 final weeks of producing and hosting a huge event (that happened yesterday) while discovering my youngest son had Lyme Disease, then a 6 day 103 fever virus from weakened immune system, missing first days of Middle School, then when he finally started to feel better even though I knew I’d have to work Labor Day weekend I said let’s go out to the Shenandoah mountains for the day to relieve all the stress and hike. One day later my son, my older son, and I all started breaking out in what looked like chicken pox but turned out to be chiggers (remember, this is 2 days before my big huge event), itching galore, kids home from school, and then at the last minute we had invited my younger son’s friend (who did not get the chigger bites all over his body like us) but the night before my big huge event his mom emails me that her son has lice.


    Honestly, there is nothing to-do but laugh!!!!

  9. Linda Cioffi says:

    I remember when I had lice as a child. My mother was so mortified! She used a fine tooth comb to comb out all of the eggs and it hurt!! As a teacher, we were always having the nurse come into our classrooms to check everyone for lice. Winter time with hooded jackets hanging together in a coat room is a prime time for the bugs to jump from one coat to another. This has always been a problem. You handled the situation so efficiently. Happy birthday to Bella. I can’t believe that she is already in school.

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