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The Wake-Up Call Show: You Belong, Dear One!

Dear One,

I’ve been doing a lot of volunteering at my daughter, Annabella’s, school. Her school operates on the principles of Positive Discipline, as does our family. One of the cornerstones is that we all need a sense of belonging and significance. And when we feel insignificant or that we don’t belong, we act out.

What does acting out look like to you? Maybe it shows up as procrastination, rebellion, over-eating, or throwing a major tantrum?

Join me today on my LIVE Wake-Up Call Show webcast at 9am PT/12pm ET to talk about belonging, about how significant you are, and what to do when the “I don’t belong” Big Fat Lie has trapped you so you feel like you’re swimming in Vaseline.

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Can’t wait to be with you!

With enthusiasm,




P.S. Spots are filling up for our 2013 Inner Wisdom Golden Circle, so make sure to get your application in by tomorrow!

The Inner Wisdom Golden Circle is a 9-month Spiritual and Emotional Breakthrough program and is designed especially for women who are longing to join a tribe of like-minded women ready to come more fully into who they truly are, so they can go out into the world sharing their greatest gifts. Talk about belonging!!

>>Apply for the Inner Wisdom Golden Circle now<<

Let me know below how acting out shows up for you…and where you feel you DO belong!




  1. Gina says:

    Thank you, Amy! I have been in a town for a number of years and have told my husband I felt like I don’t belong here. I don’t fit in with this crowd, it’s just a different lifestyle than i’m used to and so everyone is different. This is what I needed.
    I get lonely, depressed and cry and then turn inward, while feeling irritable and hopeless.
    I am a big people pleaser and also get sad when anybody doesnt like me for any reason.

  2. Ellen says:

    It breaks my heart that you’re hearing big fat lies from such little girls. How can the Inner Mean Girl develop so early? Lucky girls to have you as a peace counselor!

  3. Amy, I withdraw! I actually go hide by myself. I have struggled with this IMG for sooo long. Love the inner wisdom exercise. And the song! love YOU!

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