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The Wake-Up Call Show: When You DON’T Get What You Want!

Darling One,

If you had a moment to watch my celebration video, you know my husband, daughter and I are overjoyed to report that we are pregnant AT LAST!  Thank you all so very much for caring, for your congrats emails, messages, comments and tweets. I am always so incredibly touched by your love.

Now here’s the truth: I spent a year and a half NOT getting what I want. And having a reminder every 28 days that the baby wasn’t here yet was not so easy. In fact, it was really f*cking hard!

I learned a thing or two on the path to this happy ending I’m in the midst of…a lot about what to do when you DON’T get what you want. So I made you a video today about What To Do When You Don’t Get What You Want.

CLICK BELOW to watch my five step process.

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What is that deep desire that has yet to come true for you? Not being pregnant yet or the soulmate not arriving yet or your body not being healthy yet?

Please take that desire and try my five step process in the video and let me know how it goes. I hope this process will help you on your path to getting exactly what you want!

I’m sending you a rainbow of love,

P.S. Oh, one more thing. Sometimes it isn’t that we don’t get what you want…it’s that we don’t know WHAT we want! I get it. Especially if you feel like you’re still searching for your life purpose.

If that is true for you, I wanted to ensure that you grabbed the FREE tele-jam that I co-led with Martha Beck and Lissa Rankin, all about Finding Your Calling.

GO HERE  for instant access to the Find Your Calling 90-minute tele-jam and to learn more about our upcoming 7-week tele-class. Oh yeah!

P.P.S. In the video, I mention the incredible work I’ve been doing with my spirit coach, Elisabeth Manning. She is a master at helping women create anything they want (especially babies!) from a space of fertility and consciousness. Check out Elisabeth’s work here…and tell her I sent ya!

Leave a comment below about the deep desire you are waiting for and how the five step process worked for you! And I’m always honored when you share the love 🙂




  1. Beth says:

    Thank you, Amy! You are too cute and congratulations on your pregnancy! I feel like I’m at a crossroads in my life. I will be 38 this fall and not sure whether to try for a third baby (kids already 6 and 9) or to move on and start working on fulfilling some of my other dreams in life. I know the answers will come.

  2. Clo says:

    Congratulations on your pregnancy!! I have a dream but is not here YET!! I am not loosing hope, perhaps there are few things tht need to happen before. God knows what it is best for me so when I am ready it will come. Doesnt stop me from keep on asking!!

  3. Julie says:

    Congratulations!! I was 40 when I had my only child, so yes it is possible. I want my son’s full and complete recovery from a totally disabling health condition that doctors dismiss as impossible to cure or improve. When doctors first saw him 10 years ago, they didn’t know YET what it was. It took another 5 years to get a diagnosis, but no one knows YET how to treat it. To get to each next step in this journey, I’ve had to allow myself to be divinely led and trust my inner knowing. My inner knowing tells me that the answers as to cause and cure aren’t in traditional medicine, so at least I know to broaden my horizons.

  4. dominique says:

    You’re so cute 🙂 Love your enthusiasm!

    I’m struggling with the Big Fat Lie of “be careful what you want you might get it.” I’ve been told that since I was a little girl and any time I really want something I question whether or not I ought to be wanting it so much…

    That said I’d really like to get the amazing job I applied for a few weeks ago; a soul mate and a BFF would be icing on the cake. I’d also like to get out of my way and stop sabotaging all the hard work I’m doing with regards to my health and allow me to drop these pesky 60 or so pounds that have been hanging around since my divorce.

  5. kd12 says:

    congrats, amy! I was a first-time mom at the age of 45 (actually, just a few months shy of 46). We named her Hope because she embodied that for us, and now, at the age of 12, she is one AWESOME chicky-poo!

    i love your 5 steps. I’m going to get busy with them. i have one big deep dream, and a few others spinning all around it.

    The big dream became a bit clearer last week when I did a backpacking hike in the Grand Canyon, rim to rim. Only about 1 percent of the 10 million visitors to that park ever do the 23-mile hike down to the bottom and up the opposite rim.

    Did i mention it was my first-ever hike experience?!

    Along with the canyon’s great beauty, there was intense physical pain during our four days of hiking. It truly was more painful than my 16 hours of unmedicated labor giving birth! But as a friend told me today, the hike was a birthing of something new (she likened the canyon to a birth canal!), and the pain will be redeemed. Plus, I emerged — no small feat. There were moments & tears because I did not think I would or could.

    So who knows, maybe by the time you’re nearly 60 like me you’ll be strapping on boots with the hubby & kids and heading off to the greatest canyon in the world for a hike…It is a profound experience, and one I am only now beginning to digest, a week later.

    all the best to you and your growing family — take care!

  6. […] Ahlers, the Wake Up Coach, has some great steps (click here) to take to get what you really […]

  7. Kate says:


    Amy, this Wake-up was perfectly timed for me. I’m not in your shoes, having finished up with that phase of my life some decades ago. (And may you and your husband one day know the joy and pride I now feel in my daughter and my World’s-Finest-Son-in-Law® and my incredible 16-month-old grandson!)But in a way, I am *exactly* in the position you were in. I was a writer. And I feel on the verge of changing that past tense to present.

    Health problems (important PSA follows: NEVER ignore mold!) have kept me from finishing anything in years, even from beginning anything new. But I’m feeling stirrings. I am soooooo anxious to once again be pregnant with a book! At the same time, though, I’m terrified. What if, at Social Security age and a decade-plus hiatus, I really *am* Too Old to start a new literary-family?

    So while answers keep popping into my head for problems in projects that have been hanging-fire since forever, and scarypossible-maybe-crazy plot ideas and characters tickle the back of my head, I keep dithering. And while I’m dithering, the copious notes I’m taking on all the above are not (mostly*) turning into actual FICTION. But it’s almost (almost, please note, I also once was exactly where you were!) the same thing. So this Wake-up helped.

    (*The exception happened last night, when about a page and a half of actual STORY-fiction poured out. I wasn’t at that point in the story yet, but now I can built out *toward* that point. Those words from last night are solid Fiction, and will make it through to the completed Story.)

    Thanks, and best wishes and blessings!

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