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The Wake-Up Call Show: I’m Pregnant, Dear One! (Celebration Video)

Dear One,

When I first went “public” about my deepest desire, to have another baby, it was really scary for me. I revealed it all in my When Your Happiness Is Being Held Hostage video in November of 2012. It was a big moment, as I knew that my wish for another baby might not come true, and then you’d know the truth about my heartache. But I felt so much better after being so vulnerable because of your incredible support and love. You just blew me away!

It was a year and a half of struggle to get knocked up. It felt like a “funeral every 28 days” as a dear friend put it. I kept showing up and my life was hijacked by ovulation kits, charting, acupuncture appointments, disappointment and spiritual fertility coaching from my incredible coach, Elisabeth Manning. I had difficult conversations with my husband, as we endlessly had to explain to our daughter, Annabella, why she didn’t have a baby brother or sister yet and how we just couldn’t guarantee that it would happen. (Hard stuff to fathom for a just turned 6 year old who believes in fairies and Santa Claus.)

So it is with the utmost joy, glee and a tummy full of butterflies I say to you, my darling, that YES this baby has landed! It felt right to wait until today, the official end of the first trimester (and hopefully the end of the nausea and headaches!), so forgive the Wake-Up Call Wednesday coming to you on a Friday. LOL.

Here is the celebration video featuring my hubbie, Rob, that I wasn’t sure I’d ever have the opportunity to make (and yes we have a dance party!):

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Dear One, I am sending a vision of your dreams coming true. I want you to get what you want and celebrate it. I’d love to hear from you in the comments about what you are CELEBRATING in your life right now!

Thank you so much for caring.

With unstoppable love & relentless enthusiasm,


P.S. Are you in the Sacramento area, darling?
I’d LOVE to meet you LIVE at my upcoming Learning Exchange Event, Wake Up Your Inner Wisdom, with my partner in inspiration, Christine Arylo.

GO HERE for the deets for my Sacramento debut.

P.P.S. Did you sign up yet for the Find Your Calling Tele-Jam I’m co-leading with Martha Beck and Lissa Rankin? If you’re ready to discover and deepen your soul’s purpose, this is a not to be missed event.

GO HERE to Find Your Calling now!

P.P.P.S. Thank you for holding the vision of this baby with me. I’ve felt so loved and supported on this journey by you. Thank you, thank you, thank you…to the moon and back.

Please leave me a comment below and let me know what you are CELEBRATING right now!




  1. amhare says:

    Hi Amy,you now that you are my one special of friend woman ilove in virtuel. You can have another baby if you want with out anxiesous and difficult conversation with your hasbund.Make sur with your ovulation with out clodly nutrition:no drink wine,no jus clod;no….
    Your ovulation must be 15 days after your sex ralation.
    You are a very strong woman :you can have another beautiful baby like Annabella
    amhare with love

  2. Joel says:

    Dearest Amy, congrats and celebration. What better way to feel happy than to be assured that love is now infused in you. May the mighty Lord bless Rob and you and your little daughter with the much desired bundle of love soon. May your happiness always be a blessing to all of us. Joel.

  3. Linda says:

    Oh, Ames! Your video made me cry. What a beautiful message; what fun you two are. Your children are so blessed to have you as parents, and so are we to have you as inspiration. Thanks for the reminder to celebrate. I’m celebrating an amazing relationship with my man and my son, and feeling so blessed every day in midlife! LOVE you!!! xxoo

  4. Julie says:

    Congratulations Amy, I’m so happy for you.
    I know the the heart ache of wanting to be pregnant & not being. But eventually everything comes doesn’t it. I have now 3 adult children & 3 beautiful grandchildren, my daughter Linda had her own daughter 10 weeks ago today but not before a miscarriage & another year of trying.
    Life has so many twists & turns, when we start out we have no idea of what will be be only what we want to be, what we hope, dream, fantasize will be – it very rarely matches the reality.

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