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The Wake-Up Call Show: I’m Pregnant, Dear One! (Celebration Video)

Dear One,

When I first went “public” about my deepest desire, to have another baby, it was really scary for me. I revealed it all in my When Your Happiness Is Being Held Hostage video in November of 2012. It was a big moment, as I knew that my wish for another baby might not come true, and then you’d know the truth about my heartache. But I felt so much better after being so vulnerable because of your incredible support and love. You just blew me away!

It was a year and a half of struggle to get knocked up. It felt like a “funeral every 28 days” as a dear friend put it. I kept showing up and my life was hijacked by ovulation kits, charting, acupuncture appointments, disappointment and spiritual fertility coaching from my incredible coach, Elisabeth Manning. I had difficult conversations with my husband, as we endlessly had to explain to our daughter, Annabella, why she didn’t have a baby brother or sister yet and how we just couldn’t guarantee that it would happen. (Hard stuff to fathom for a just turned 6 year old who believes in fairies and Santa Claus.)

So it is with the utmost joy, glee and a tummy full of butterflies I say to you, my darling, that YES this baby has landed! It felt right to wait until today, the official end of the first trimester (and hopefully the end of the nausea and headaches!), so forgive the Wake-Up Call Wednesday coming to you on a Friday. LOL.

Here is the celebration video featuring my hubbie, Rob, that I wasn’t sure I’d ever have the opportunity to make (and yes we have a dance party!):

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Dear One, I am sending a vision of your dreams coming true. I want you to get what you want and celebrate it. I’d love to hear from you in the comments about what you are CELEBRATING in your life right now!

Thank you so much for caring.

With unstoppable love & relentless enthusiasm,


P.S. Are you in the Sacramento area, darling?
I’d LOVE to meet you LIVE at my upcoming Learning Exchange Event, Wake Up Your Inner Wisdom, with my partner in inspiration, Christine Arylo.

GO HERE for the deets for my Sacramento debut.

P.P.S. Did you sign up yet for the Find Your Calling Tele-Jam I’m co-leading with Martha Beck and Lissa Rankin? If you’re ready to discover and deepen your soul’s purpose, this is a not to be missed event.

GO HERE to Find Your Calling now!

P.P.P.S. Thank you for holding the vision of this baby with me. I’ve felt so loved and supported on this journey by you. Thank you, thank you, thank you…to the moon and back.

Please leave me a comment below and let me know what you are CELEBRATING right now!




  1. Karmen says:

    Congratulations ! I am so happy for you ! Birthing a child is a sacred process ! I am celebrating recently publishing my first book kindle ebook about a little girl who is a lightworker and healer and here to heal humanity Here is a link to the amazon author central page ! I will be having a free day soon so that you can check it out !

    • Amy Ahlers says:

      AWESOME, Karmen!!! HUGE congrats on the publishing birth. What an amazing accomplishment. Sending love and will check it out…sounds incredible!

    • Jennifer says:

      Congratulations Amy– to a beautiful person who SHINES her light empowering and loving from her big heart for so many young women supporting and daring them to dream and reach their dreams. I have a heart full of joy and happiness for you and your family. Thank you for the many times you’ve inspired me on my journey.
      I am now trying to create my own tutoring center starting by offering my own tutoring services and also am working on my first published book. It has taken awhile for me to learn to stand up, stand out, and find my voice and purpose to shine my light…I cannot wait to create my impact and see how my purpose and impact will touch lives and change the world. I will be focusing on bringing my purpose and vision or DREAM alive by cultivating my character first and then processes simultaneously for change. It may be the kind of change that is unique and on my own terms, but it may be just the kind of change needed.

  2. VJ Schultz says:

    Congratulations! You both look incredibly happy. My own celebration is over achieving my goal of becoming an Indie author and publishing my first ebook on Along with that I’ve started an author page on Facebook, purchased a domain name for my website which is still under construction, and am about to get a print version done. DEATH OF BIGFOOT & OTHER TALES has been a fun, exciting challenge.

  3. Linda Schaeffer says:

    Congratulations!!! SOOO HAPPY FOR YOU ALL!!!

  4. Margaret B. says:

    Congratulations! That’s so wonderful to hear. The world needs more babies and grateful parents to nurture them! Right on! I’m celebrating work right now and all the good things it can bring.

  5. Kate says:

    I am celebrating the beginning of my coach training. I first heard this woman on the WISH SUMMIT, and then went from there to her TED talk, read her book and ON and ON.

  6. Kate says:

    By the way, how blessed that little one will be with you as a mom. Congrats to the whole family.

  7. I was accepted into an National Innovation Competition and am working towards helping bring light to dark places and creating jobs around the U.S. and the globe..
    Forging ahead to creating the change I want to see..

    Take a look at what I’m doing if you please..

  8. And I meant to say congratulations right off the bat.. I know about the waiting.. My first two were 7 years apart.. I ended up have 4 blessings over a 14 year time span.. Children bring wonder and joy to life.. and you two are so cute too.. Dance party!!!

  9. kim says:

    dancing with you in Michigan!!!
    sooooo happy for you and your family!!!!

  10. Antje says:

    Congrats to the three of you! Have a happy and blessed pregnancy.
    Love. Antje

  11. Marta says:

    Congratulations and I am so happy for you, everyone deserves their dreams to happen!!!!! I am celebrating my continuous loss of weight, how much I love my belly dancing and how lucky I am in so many other ways.

    I wish you all the happiness in the world, all the joy a baby brings and more.

  12. Amanda says:

    Congratulations! This is such wonderful news – what a lucky little one this baby will be!!!! 🙂 I am celebrating my husband’s new job and the fact that we survived his temporary unemployment together, pulled together as a team to get him a new position, and are once again blessed with financial security. Wishing you all the joy, happiness and fun of a new baby!!!!!

  13. Carol says:

    OMG – You guys made me laugh and cry so hard… “Feed the chickens!” Your hubby is a scream. This was soooo sweet and so much fun and totally showed how adorable you guys are. What a LUCKY child he/she is going to be, and what a FUN, LOVING home it’s coming into. I’m SO thrilled for you… people like you should have TEN children. HUGS!!!

  14. Sue Vaughan says:

    WooHoo Amy and Rob!!!!! I couldn’t be happier for you and your beautiful little daughter.

    I am celebration the launch of my new business (the Self-Love Diet) within the next couple of weeks. This is a long-time dream (12 years! to be exact) coming to fruition. I am so excited about being able to support women in nourishing themselves with Self-Love so that they can live happily ever after (like I am!).

    I Love that you dance to Cool and The Gang–because I, too, have been doing the happy-dance to Celebration for many years. Obviously, we’re kindred spirits. 🙂

    Sending you baby baskets of Love,
    ~ Sue

  15. Rachel says:

    Hoooooooray!!! I am filled with joy and celebration for and with you. Whata lucky little being to be in your belly and soon to be burst into a world of such joyful parents, so devoted to bringing him/her to life. All my best to your sweet and growing family.
    Rachel 😉

  16. Teresa says:

    To someone who inspires & radiates so much, I can’t tell you how it warms my heart that your deepest wish has come true! Thank you for all you are & do–so often your posts & articles are exactly what I need to hear–thank you!

  17. SeekingPlumb says:

    , I’m so, so happy for you!!! You & your hubby are just too funny & so cute!!! I truly hope that when I find MY prince, partner in crime, lover, & best friend (Not necessarily in that particular order. They just popped out that way. LOL!!) that we’ll be as free and comfortable with each other, & have as much fun just being free, fun & silly, together. That was just beautiful!! My 11.5 year marriage to my ex had NOTHING like that. I have great hopes for my future!!! 😀

    I’m celebrating the fact that this past month, I finally worked up the nerve to do a few things. I decided that I was no longer going to allow a “friend” to treat me like a 2nd class citizen, I deserve better – I’m supposedly a “FRIEND!!” I was going to set boundaries in how she could communicate with me, & I decided to terminate this one sided work-uh-friendship. Meaning, it required a lot of work to maintain that relationship, if you even wanted to call it a “friendship.” It was more work than a relationship/friendship. I was getting more pain, anguish, & hurt out of it than anything.

    Her response was one claiming innocence, & she completely ignored every hurt I raised. (She did respect the one boundary I efined, thankfully.) However, she can do no wrong. As much as I wanted her to get what I was trying to say, to get what my email was saying, I finally realized there’s no point in proving any one of my hurts/points/issues with her. Let her believe what she will. I’m finally free of her. I no longer wait in fear of whether she’s going to call, text, or message online, wondering what she will say & how I will respond.

    My great hurt finally turned to anger!! I mean how could someone make strong, dire pronouncements about my mental state, worry that I might be in a life or death situation, then she up & disappears from my life for 6.5 months, entirely. Bah!!! Sooooooo, frustrating!!!! 😛 Pbbbbttt!!!!!!

    So, I took the initiative.

    It was cathartic. It was freeing. It was revealing about myself. It was ultimately revealing about her & the overall picture & temperature of our relationship; from what I thought it was, to what SHE thought it was, to the truly awful state of what it REALLY WAS.

    I absolutely love what happens, when you learn to be assertive (But very clearly, not aggressive.). What a beautiful process & amazing a landing pad!!! 😀 I also love learning about boundaries. The freedom you GAIN by SETTING & MAINTAINING them. I absolutely love to set & firmly hold boundaries. It’s rewarding, revitalizing, and my absolute most favourite of all – it’s EMPOWERING!!! I feel like a new woman each time!! It’s… amazing!!! I almost go out of my way looking for new opportunities to find, determine, & set boundaries. It’s not usually very easy, but it’s so cool when It DOES happen!!

    LOLOLOL I was just thinking. Do you remember the Easy button, it was from Staples, I believe? If only finding the perfect boundary to delineate & manage WAS that easy!!!!!!!!! It’s just so awesome!!!! I want to find more!!! I want billions more, which sounds so completely couner-intuitive!!! It’s like how in the world does that even make any sense in the world!!!

    Anyway, excellent month for us all!!! Yay, let’s get our groove on!!!

  18. SeekingPlumb says:

    Pbbbbttt!!! I copy & pasted my comment from above to post it here below, & it cut off the beginning. (I didn’t want to log in using Facebook.) Blah, blah, blah-di-blah. I’m getting to the point.

    CONGRATS!!!! I’m so happy for you both, for the whole family!!! I wish you all the very best!!!! I hope you get a very healthy little bambino of the gender(s) of your hearts’ desire!!!

    All my best,

  19. Shantini says:

    Dearest Darling Amy,

    You have no idea how much you have helped me get through the “stuff” that’s been holding me back for years, with your weekly emails and through Inner Mean Girl Reform School, Visionary Ignition Switch and Find Your Calling. It’s been life changing and I’m filled with joy and oh so grateful that you have your heart’s desire – this beautiful baby. You light the way for so many of us and I’m so so happy that a light – brighter than the sun – is shining in your life right now! Thank you for everything Amy and may your wishes and dreams continue to come true 🙂

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