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Wake-Up Call Wednesday: It’s Time to Hibernate

Dear One,

I made the decision to go into hibernation for a bit this month…I’m off to a 3 day private retreat to go within. Wanna hibernate with me?

I know, I know…this time of year it can be SO challenging to actually take time out for yourself and REST. But I’m here to tell you that doing so can be life changing. I made a rather silly video to inspire you to go for it. Check it out below.

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I’m sending you so much love as you crawl into your cave and take some time out to be with the most important person in your life: YOU!

With unstoppable enthusiasm,




P.S. The awesome Aspire Magazine just released it Dec/Jan “Cultivating Gratitude” issue and I’m excited to share that my gratitude tips are featured alongside some of today’s leading luminaries: Marianne Williamson, Jean Houston and more. Featuring over 60 pages of love, wisdom & inspiration to inspire women of today to live deeper, more authentic and inspired lives. Enjoy instant no opt-in access to this issue here!

Leave me a comment below with your hibernation commitment!




  1. I love this. I think that our families 3 days in Yosemite will be accompanied by this video, journals, naps, sketch pads, canvases and paint,more naps, books, nature hikes, meditations, and more and more napping! My 9 year old is old enough to entertain herself more, and to enjoy more quiet activities so this become a possibility like never before. I like this new focus for our trip and find great peace in it. Thank you for the suggestion.

  2. this is so gorgeous, Amy. and I’ll take you up on THAT! I commit to taking the three days 12/19, 20 and 21 just for me. Now, I have a freak out question:: I’m totally afraid of this for three reasons:
    I’m afraid that I’ll just lay around, eat pizza and feel lonely;
    I’m afraid that I will disappoint anyone who asks for time/attention during this time;
    I’m afraid that once I do this, I might feel more tired (once I lay down, I might not wanna get back up).
    Are these tied to my Big Fat Lies? Any insights? (and I’m happy to be just bringing these up to myself here–it helps:)).

  3. Lynn L. says:

    Hi Amy,

    You deserve it too darling! I took your Inner Mean Girls workshop with you and Christine in 2010 and have watched you just blossom from relatively unknown, (at least up here in Oregon) to doing classes with Martha Beck!!! Wow, girl. You definitely need a time of hibernation. And especially to commune with your body about a baby. I too am wishing you much love and peace and continued joy. Thanks for all you bring to the rest of us.

    Lynn Launer

  4. Krishna says:

    Thanks for supporting this. I did go through a lot, including a broken hearted boken engagement. I would love to feel the blessing of this fully and I imagine 3 days within could do the trick! I am going to look to make this happen between Christmas and the new year. Yahoo! Angela

  5. Marygreta says:

    Wow! What an idea! I’m newly unemployed (crazy, yup, my decision)
    and feeling tension in my hip and lower back. Hmmmmm. These all go together?!?! I’ll get out from under obligations tomorrow-ish and will work some time in. Great idea. Thanks!!

  6. Cherish says:

    This is, actually, day three of my personal, get-away-from-it-all hibernation. Highly needed and so thankful I gifted myself with it.
    Blessings all 🙂

  7. Shantini says:

    I love that you plan to hibernate, Amy! I tried to be ambitious and take 2 weeks off starting from the 15th ’till the New Year but work crept in and looks like I can’t take any time off until next week.

    But I think what you mean by hibernating is to take some time alone – as in really alone -solitary – without anyone else. I must say the thought intrigues and scares me at the same time! But you know what? You’ve inspired me to give it a shot. I’m thinking of booking myself into a swanky hotel in the city for just one night and just being with myself…

    Have fun on your hibernation, Amy!

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