Dear One,
Oh my goodness have I had a BLAST spending this month dreaming and visioning with you. I loved sharing some of the tips, tricks and tools I’ve used for years, alongside many of my favorite teachers and colleagues, to create a year I LOVE.
(Did you miss some of my Wake-Up Call Shows this month? Check out my blogs and blogs on Who do you want to BE? What do you STAND FOR? How to magnetize what you want & Say Yes and No)
For today’s wake-up call, I hopped over to my webcam after doing the insane morning routine with Annabella to get her off to school (sans make-up or doing my hair cause that’s how I roll!) and invite you to look at the ONE habit, pattern, or Big Fat Lie you are ready to burn up this year. Check it out here!
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I hope that you are feeling jazzed and inspired to make 2013 the best and most joyful year yet…you deserve it!
With unstoppable enthusiasm and great love,
P.S. I’ve been BLESSED to be invited to participate in some incredible, inspiring events and summits over the next few months. And the best part? All of them are F to the R to the E to the E. Yep! All this goodness is my gift to you!
- Succulent, Savvy, Soul-Full Business Revolution – NOW – March 22nd
- The Ultimate Lovefest NOW- – February 14th
- The Art of Love Relationship Series on February 12th – 21st
- Madly in Love with Me Day Concert on February 13th
I just ADORE being able to gift you with yummy gumdrops of love. 🙂
Please leave a comment below and let me know what you are burning up in 2013!
And please do share this post with your loved ones.
Well this was fun – and challenging. The fun part: I started writing down a BFL and immediately knew “That’s not true”. So I wrote another one, and another, and another. And each time it was just so clear that that’s just not true! So I had to keep going until I found one that was still truly ‘alive’.
RELEASING: I’m not big enough to go out there esp in a big way. (Time to retire that one ;))
GETTING THERE but still holding back on: I can do it alone. I’ve already begun reaching out and as of this week more deeply moving on calling and bringing in working allies. The but is that there still are things I can and want to do alone. So, hmm… Perhaps you’ll have some insights on that front.
Big hugs Amy & talk soon.
Wonderful Fiona!! More soon…
I am giving up allowing myself excuses to not eat right and/or overeat and to not exercise. I am putting my health and well-being first.
i am also going to release procrastination. last year i made 2 boxes one with 12 things i wanted/needed to do(like make a will and health care wishes,clean closets clean the garage you get the idea) and 12 things that i wanted to do-fun things. I tired them up and was going to choose one from each box each month. .my work as a caregiver got in the way and my problem of saying no to people. so this year i am no longer a caregiver and leaning no is okay so back to the boxes i go . this is the year i do something rather than waiting for ‘Someday” which is not after”Sunday”
I am releasing being so hard on myself to do better with the my cycling which brings me such joy, but when I compare myself or push myself too hard, I lose the joy. I want to release this. I will get better without beating myself up. I promise to cheer myself on and encourage myself more in my activities!
the habit I am going to burn up is always saying I have to find out more about “that” before I can make a decision or take action. whether I say I need to google that first, talk to another friend about that, let me think about that, I am always STALLING to make a decision and then I paralyze myself with information. So, in 2013 I am going to TRUST myself and instead say, what would I do if I didn’t know any better? and then take ACTION with what ever comes to mind.
Thanks Amy!
Hi Amy, greetings from Switzerland. It is almost midnight, still sitting on the computer working on my book. After listening to your wake-up-call it hit me. My big fat lie is: once this is done, things go smoother, I can relax……
Relaxing hasn’t been on my schedule for quite some time. This big fat lie is entangled or held in place with other lies. I have to finish in order to make money….. I have to do all by myself ….
For right now, I unleash this button right now and get some rest. Tomorrow morning the solution will show itself.
thanks Amy. Irmgard
I can relate to Amy today – the “do it myself” thing keeps me overwhelmed and limited in my own ability as a coach and writer seeking to reach/teach/help more people! I like the idea of thinking about how it has served me and saved me money(!), and I now welcome professional help growing and reshaping my business. Part two of this is imagining I have to find the “perfect” person to help me and that it will be difficult to find/decide on that person and that I risk investing $$ in the “wrong” person who won’t be able to help me. Talk about a set-up! New mantra could be “I am working with the perfect person to help me grow and reshape my business and make cool videos like Amy!” Good luck, everyone!
Ah, Amy – so awesome! This showed up in my inbox just as I was hitting the, “I have got to let this go!” wall. And so I’m letting go of the idea that when I sit down to tackle a project, I don’t have to do it all right then and there. I get stuck in, “If I do it, I have to do it all. And not just all but like while I’m doing it, I’ll do these other 5 things, and customize that, and fix that and…but I don’t know if I can do it all so I won’t do any of it.” It’s a silly-vicious cycle. The truth is, I can do one or two things awesomely, which usually leads down a pat of more awesomeness. And sometimes the best awesomeness of all comes when you step away and come back with fresh eyes/thoughts. So thank you!
This is rather surreal, but I’m going to give up feeling bad about not getting something done, and replace it with, “Since everything I do is just the right thing, there must have been a really good reason I didn’t get that done. Good for me!”
I love to read. No great surprise, nothing I’m ashamed of. But what I need to release, if I can figure out HOW, is my habit of reading SO much that nothing else gets done! I’m behind on work-related things, my housework (!!!), exercise, filing, getting the bills paid and checkbook balanced, etc. etc. etc.
Even when it’s a book I’ve read before (if I enjoy a book, I’ll enjoy it more than once!), I have trouble getting it done and getting my fanny out of the chair and getting BUSY. I’m coming back from several years of bad health, and as a result, I’ve lost the habit of discipline. I want to get back to my work, namely creating fiction for *others* to read, but I suspect step one is releasing my “I’ll just finish reading this chapter” habit.
BTW, this was also a bad habit I had a half century or so ago, when I was a kid. But back then, I had Mom to get me moving. I still have Mama, in the sense that she’s alive and healthy and wonderful (I’m lucky, I know.) But not only does she live on the other side of the country, it’s ridiculous for a woman in her sixties to need to have Mom nagging her!
Any suggestions on how to release, or perhaps I should say ESCAPE from, this Big Bad Habit, Amy? Many many thanks!
Amy, because of one of your wake up calls in September, I actually sat down and wrote a novel- have to keep a timer on just so I stay writing, but this system finally works! Woohoo!(I am on the third draft now). THANK YOU! I realised I was letting myself be the doormat- the last in line- no more. I will continue to keep my butt in the chair and write-( the kids can clean their own rooms, soup makes an awesome dinner. Thanks again!