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The Wake-Up Call Show: My 7 Year Old’s Fear Blocking Process

Dear One,

If you celebrate Christmas, I’m sending you wishes for a merry one!

I was getting ready to shoot a final 2014 Wake-Up Call video when my 7 year old, Annabella, entered my office. I asked her if she wanted to join me and she yelled a resounding YES! She then proceeded to tell me what she wanted to share with all of you. 🙂

So we did a video together where Annabella created an on the spot process for dealing with fears and Inner Mean Girls.

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I hope you enjoy Annabella’s story about how her Inner Mean Girl tried to hijack her mind, body and spirit with fear and how her Inner Wisdom guided her to focus on gratitude and what she loves instead.

I know there has been so much devastation going on in the world that creates cracks for fear and hopelessness to seep in. I’m sending you strength to ride the waves of truth about all there is to grieve and simultaneously ride the waves of truth about all the beauty and kindness in the world.

Keep being a bright and shining light of hope. The world needs you.

With much love and merry wishes,


P.S. I’ll be back with you next year! SMOOCH. 

Please leave a comment about how you can lean into your Inner Wisdom this New Year!




  1. Marge says:

    Annabella, you are a wise girl and be thankful that you have a mom that teaches you these important things so you can grow up to be happy!

    Merry Christmas!

  2. Julia says:


    Thank You for sharing your scary experience. It helped me to hear about it, and how you dealt with it! You’re very lucky that your Mom helps you learn these things! I am 48 years old and never really learned these things. So, thank you! I hope you and Evie Rose and your parents have a very Merry Christmas!

  3. In the holiday rush, I ALWAYS lose something that turns into drama: car keys, gift card, camera, etc. This year I misplaced my camera for 2 days, it was brand new, I set it down (while HELPING someone else) and spaced it out. Each time, I beat myself up about how careless I am, how I don’t value things, how mindless I am in the midst of heavy activity, how I just can’t do this. Really hard messages about how incompetent/careless I am; no one is better at beating myself up than I am. I ended up finding it and completely remembering the moment of forgetfulness. Still working on forgiving myself. Annabella, thanks for the lesson, I appreciate your sharing!

  4. Janice says:

    What a wise young girl! Thank you so much for sharing how you were able to overcome your IMG’s lies! This video helped remind me to attune to my Inner Wisdom/BFF and listen to her wise words. So much pressure and stress was built up just in the month of December alone! So happy to realize how I am allowing the IMG negative talk so that I can STOP her and have compassion for her.

    Thank you, Amy!

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