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The Wake-Up Call Show: How You Spend Your DAYS is How You Spend Your LIFE

Dearest One,
“How we spend our days is how we spend our lives.”
~Annie Dillard

It’s so true, isn’t it? The moments turn into days, the days into weeks, the weeks into months, the months into years. So it goes.

Our daily life is our real life. Finding the everyday sacred is the key to creating a life you love.

Sacred Flow PicAnd yet so often we feel inspired to make big changes in our minds and hearts and never fully distill it down to the daily actions and commitments that will create the transformation. And then we wonder why the change doesn’t stick or another year flies by and we feel like WE MISSED IT.

I know the truth of this. So I’ve been investigating and getting really CURIOUS and REAL about how to create a daily and weekly flow to honor my 2015 Stand and Power Mantra; Sacred Flow. To bring my stand into my daily life to make the change real.

I’m hungry for a new rhythm that honors my time with my girls, my time with my husband, my time with my friends, my time with myself and my time for my Great Work in the world.

Sometimes I feel like a juggler gone mad instead of the present and tuned in woman I long to be.

Will you take some time to work ON your life, instead of IN your life?

I just co-created a weekly flow with my husband and I’m soooo excited about it. Here’s what my new flow includes:

  • daily walks to school as a family and then coffee with Evie and Rob (LOVE starting my day this way)
  • runs/hikes twice per week (this is such a sacred thing for me that was falling off my plate since Evie arrived-time to bring it back for my mental and physical well being)
  • a four hour Sacred Space chunk to allow for flow and spontaneity (THIS IS LIFE CHANGING!)Evie on beach3
  • 5 Rhythms weekly dance class (for years I did this religiously when I lived in LA. My Inner Wisdom guided me to bring this practice back into my life this year.)
  • Twice a month date nights with my beloved (YES!!)
  • Mondays are now my Mama Day where I spend quality time with Evie, pick up Annabella and then do a two girl hang (no work except for my weekly post on my Mama Truth Circle
  • Picking up Annabella from school and getting solo time with her once/week (SO important to weave in solo time with her!)
  • New Mommy and Me class with Evie (Yum!)
  • Solid times dedicated to my work (So wonderful for my assistants to know when they should schedule appointments in!)

The truth is that if it isn’t in my calendar these days, it ain’t happening! If I don’t put in time for myself and time for exercise and sacred time with my girls, it just doesn’t happen. And those things are the most important thing to me.

What Christine Arylo and I teach at Inner Mean Girl Reform School is that if you wait until you find the time, you’ll fail every time. You must create space!

I cannot tell you the JOY my new schedule brings me.

It also means we need to hire help twice per week. We need a “housewife” to help with Evie, do laundry and dishes, run errands and more! I absolutely trust that the money flow will support me in my new schedule.

What is your daily and weekly flow and how can you consciously create your schedule so it feels like a full body YES?  GO BELOW to let me know your sacred daily and weekly flow. Work ON your life so when you’re IN your life, it feels yummy.

You deserve to love your DAYS and, therefore, your LIFE!

With unstoppable enthusiasm,

P.S. I hope you saw my email yesterday. TODAY is the last day to enroll in the special Inner Mean Girl Reform School New Year Transformation! Christine Arylo and I are launching our flagship program with live calls tonight at 5pm PT/8pm ET for the first time in over 2 years!


I highly encourage you to join us for this powerful, proven 10 step process so you can empower your Inner Wisdom and reform your Inner Mean Girl.  Inner Mean Girl Reform School is one of my all time favorite creations. Super duper potent and transformative (and totally risk free)!

GO HERE to see our invitation and enroll.



  1. Edie says:

    Hi Amy,

    I am one of your 73y.o. fans. Just wanted to tell you that regardless of age we can feel the way you do. I was delighted to read your latest note because I have recently become aware of feeling fragmented socially & commented to a friend that I need to do things differently. Your note was absolutely timed perfectly. Serendipity? Yes!

    I remarried a little over 2 yrs. ago at the age of 71, we built “our” new house, have been traveling, have added to our friendship base so After being single for 18 years I find myself juggling a new husband, family (some new), a new house, new friends, old friends, travel , time for myself – a whole host of things and I was feeling more than a little fragmented. It helps to know someone else is too. Thanks for sharing. I am thinking how I can devote time to live a life I love. Thought you would like to read a comment from a senior member of your “club”.

  2. Eileen says:

    Another senior! So appreciate your sharing your new self/life care schedule.Inspiring me to work on doing the same! Appreciate all you do and look forward to enrolling in your class in the future!

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