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The Wake-Up Call Show: Inspired Action & The Baby Bump

Dear One,

It’s Amy here and I’m just returning home from the amazing Magical Manifestation Retreat I co-lead with SARK & Dr. John Waddell. It was a remarkable experience at a private ranch in Calistoga

At the retreat we talked and taught a TON about how to access your Inner Wisdom and allow her (or him) to guide the way. This is where magical manifestation gets really…well…magical.

When we take actions guided by our Inner Wisdom we feel inspired, we feel in alignment and we feel good. That’s what I’m talking about!

I made a short video from the ranch for you about it (in the video I also show off my big ole’ baby bump!). Click below to watch it.

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I’m curious for you, what is your deepest desire for 2014? And what is one inspired action your Inner Wisdom would LOVE for you to take?

Let me know here (below).

With unstoppable enthusiasm,

P.S. For me, my deepest desire is to give birth to a happy, healthy Zen baby and then to have sacred space and time with her when she arrives sometime in March. My inspired action step is to meet with my team this week to get more in place to ensure that happens! Giddy up!




  1. Cathy says:

    I REALLY want to get totally out of debt and not worry about money any more. But I don’t know my song – or if I can even sing! I really don’t know how to bring $200,000 into my life THIS year.

  2. Janice says:

    Hi, Amy! You gorgeous orb w/inner gorgeous orb!

    I am feeling, still, so HIGH from the MMRetreat! Each day is a
    “G. G.” day: Great Gratitude! Did we souls have fun diving, or what?! You are such an inspirational leader/person/friend!!!
    The lst thing I did was to ease into unpacking; Yoga class this morning & now searching for a massage therapist. I am SO taking care of my Inner Wise Woman! I love, love her & she loves me!!
    We’re as happy as we can be!! Next week, I will ease into re-writing my one woman script, play-working as Susan, the author,
    playwright suggested…Many thanks, Susan! And again, a Happy,
    Superb THANK YOU! to you, SARK & John!!!

    Blooming Rose Janice

    • Amy Ahlers says:

      Blooming Rose Janice,


      Can’t wait to hear about all the magic and miracles that will unfold for you this year and beyond.


  3. Soph says:

    A home! A cosy magical home!! Lovely seeing you again here on the web <3


  4. Soph says:

    And I am sooooo gonna sing about it all!

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